Posts by nvdias


    well ... drivers are no working anymore.

    I've updated the patch file as the offsets changed (see attach) and it worked for builds compiled with version up to 2nd February 2022.

    After that, tvheadend cannot lock signal.

    dmesg reports errors:

    si2183 22-0067: err restarting dsp
    si2183 22-0067: err set agc mode
    si2183 22-0067: err set dvb-c mode
    si2183 22-0067: err restarting dsp

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.


    I've been using LE 9.2.X for quite some time with ssd access via key pairs.

    I've started some tests with one of the last nightlty builds of LE10, and after following the same steps to activate the usage of the keys as with LE9, ssh keeps refusing the connection with this error reported in journal:

    userauth_pubkey: key type ssh-rsa not in PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms [preauth]

    Any suggestions ?


    well ... the faster I asked the faster I got the answer 😁

    Anyway, here is the solution to help whoever may need:

    It was just a question of updating putty (the ssh client I use) to the last version (0.77 worked ok).

    Pino GPIO3 (pin 5) --> GND (pin 6)

    add to /boot/config.txt


    Grounding GPIO3 starts the clean shutdown process.

    After shutdown, grounding again power on the RPI.

    But .... Librelec will display a confirmation dialog for shutdown.

    To bypass that:







    <key id="61662">Shutdown</key>



    I believe all this is already in the forum.

    well ... I don't know in fact what to say...

    I understand the difficulties and the need to wait.

    I will probably continue with 9.2.8 in my main RPI4 andm and keep LE10 in the RPI4 testing.

    For movie watching, netflix, tv series, LE10 is just great.

    But for live TV, I've tried to disable DRM PRIME and force (software) deinterlacing, but

    but unless I'm doing something wrong, it is not watcheable

    there's an obvious lag, and probably the RPI4 is not able do do software deinterlacing with 1080i @ 50hz live tv.

    Any sugestions / tweaks ?

    This addon is more than ffmpeg:

    It is a full transcode server with a ready to use configuration and user interface to help you serve your local content to an external device (example: stream from your pi --> ipad on the run).

    It includes ffmpeg and nginx in order to have everything together in just one add-on without external dependencies.

    isn't the included ffmpegx (ffpge-tools) already compiled with everything that it works with rpi transcode ?

    For what I've seen in the past, omx and mmal weren't included.

    Pi Foundation folks are currently focussed on finishing the 10/12-bit video and 4K60 work. This will firm up the kernel/DRM side of the puzzle and allow some ffmpeg cleanup, which needs to happen before more complication (with deinterlace) is added. It's vacation season so all of the above is running about 3/4 speed right now. IMHO the current software deinterlace capability is quite usable (not perfect, but usable).

    Yes. it is of course acceptable to wait for deinterlacing,

    But in my opinion and taste, the software deinterlace with RPi4 is not a good viewing experience.

    At least for TV Reception of full-hd 1080i@50 fps soccer games - there's a movement lag that feels somehow "unnatural". And gives an uncomfortable viewing sensation (probably the RPi4 is not powerful enough to do software deinterlace).

    But that's only my opinion, of course.

    when deinterlace is not needed LE10 is great ;)

    Update for aarch64 - RPi 4 & 5 - 10/02/2025


    I've mounted a transcoding server with a simple web control interface to help viewing your videos in a compatible web browser.

    It includes ffmpeg own compilation ready to do real time transcode in rpi 3 and rpi 4 using omx and mmal.

    It also works great spawned by tvheadend

    Also includes nginx specific compile to help the transcoding process.

    You can even add nginx additional configurations with an included php authorization server.

    add-on will be identified as service.ffmpeg in kodi.

    Download here:


    FFmpeg TRANSCODING Server for Raspberry Pi

    This add-on includes:

    1 A small TRASNCODING web based service - you can transcode your local stored movies across the network.
    even when on low bandwidth.

    2 NGINX with:
    rtmp and hls for transcoding services.
    php scripts handler.
    cgi scripts handler.
    authorizaiton server running on port 444 (for form based authorizaiton - see bellow)
    nginx can also publish your custom sites.

    See examples in the default configuration site at:

    Your custom sites definitions goes into:

    3 FFMPEG with omx and mmal support for Pi, and also libx264 with presets (for fast transcoding).
    can be used in a tvheadend profile (see bellow).

    Compatible with vlc player and chrome (must install a m3u8 extension for playing streams).


    After install go to add-on settings in kodi:
    - Change user and pass (defaults to user / pass)

    Access to the User interface with a web-browser:

    in which path_to_transcode is the directory path that contains video contents to be browsed and transcoded.
    use linux format (example: /media/hdd/movies)



    - TRANSCODING CONTROL PORT : Defaults to 9996.

    Simple CTRL GUI :
    Start Transcode :
    Stop Transcode :
    Play stream :

    Movies will default transcode to 640x480 @ 512kbps.
    Publishing is made to rtmp://localhost/hls/movie (internal port 1935)


    User and password defaults to "user" and "pass".
    Should be changed in kodi's add-on configuration screen.


    In the add-on configuration screen, you can define:
    - Server port (defaults to 9996);
    - Transcoded streaming video frame size (defaults to 640 x 480);
    - Transcoded streaming video bitrate (defaults to 512 Kbps);
    - User and password to access the control site;

    - Control GUI:

    Should be called with the local server directory with movies to transcode.

    This interface allows choosing the movie, start transcoding, start playback and stop transcoding.
    m3u8 can be watched in chrome by installing an extension. VLC Plays them directly.


    transcode.cgi can be called directly by giving the movie FULL PATH NAME WITHIN THE SERVER,
    and several optional arguments.
    The example bellow uses the default options:

    All arguments are self explanatory, except "caller",
    which is an optional address to transfer execution after the transcoding is started.
    If "caller" is not passed as argument,
    transcode.cgi will stay in browser with a small simple interface to playback and stop the stream.


    As nginx is being used, you can define additional servers in:

    Or by samba as:

    You sites may also use cgi and php.


    Script to include in nginx servers in order to test and request authentication

    Each location to protect should include a:
    auth_request /oauth;
    Locations to explicitly ignore auth_request should do a:
    auth_request off;
    - $authentication_server variable
    it is defined to the internal server that will answer authorization requests, login and logout procedures.
    defaults to;

    - LOGOUT
    To force a logout, there is a virtual page that you can can force from your site.
    This is a list of all virtual locations included with this config:
    /oauth authorization validation (internal to nginx config)
    /login_form.php login form (internal to nginx config)
    /login_process.php form credentials test (called by form)
    /logout.php force user logout (can be called externally)
    The login user information is kept in a php session
    Should be in htpasswd format:
    defined in $passwords variable
    server {
    ..... your server definitions ....
    include /storage/.kodi/addons/service.ffmpeg/etc/nginx/authentication.include;
    set $passwords /storage/path/password_file

    # List of nginx variables that may be OPTIONALLY configured AFTER the include:
    # set $autentication_server (internal LAN address - usually
    # set $passwords (full path to the filename with the passwords)
    # This location needs login & password
    location /secure/ {
    auth_request /oauth;
    expires -1;
    # This locatin will NOT request login
    location /free/ {
    auth_request off;

    4 FFmpeg

    ffmpeg is used as the encoding for the server,
    but it is also usable trought command-line.
    just call as:



    If you use tvheadend, you may define a profile that pipes video streams trough ffmpeg before delivering.
    The following example uses x264 to live transocde with a Rapsberry Pi4.
    Assuming ffmpeg server kodi add-on installed in LibreELEC:

    - tvheaded / configiration / stream / stream profiles / add
    - create and enable new stream profiles with the followig:
    . enabled = true
    . Data timeout = 0
    . Restart on error = true
    . Continue if descrambling fails = true
    . Descrambling timeout = 10000
    . Command Line
    /storage/.kodi/addons/service.ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -i pipe:0 -vcodec libx264 -preset faster -s 640x480 -vb 512k -bufsize 1024k -g 100 -af "aresample=async=1:first_pts=0" -acodec aac -ab 128k -f mpegts pipe:1
    . Kill signal = SIGTERM
    . Kill timeout = 15
    - The ffmpeg provided command will do live transcode with the major setup:
    . video codec : libx264
    . preset : faster
    . frame size : 640x480
    . video bitrate : 512k
    . audio codec : aac
    . audio bitrate : 128k
    . audio sync with video (to handle received lost frames)

    ffmpeg and nginx were compiled using the following flags:

    ffmpeg version N-114580-g8a23a145d8 Copyright (c) 2000-2024 the FFmpeg developers
    built with gcc 9 (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2)
    configuration: --arch=aarch64 --prefix=/usr --enable-gpl --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265
    --enable-libdrm --enable-libaom --enable-omx --enable-omx-rpi --enable-openssl --disable-ffplay
    --disable-ffprobe --disable-doc --disable-libxcb --disable-libxcb-shm --disable-libxcb-xfixes
    --disable-libxcb-shape --enable-nonfree

    nginx version: nginx/1.23.2
    built by gcc 9.3.0 (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04)
    built with OpenSSL 1.1.1f 31 Mar 2020
    TLS SNI support enable
    configure arguments:
    --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_dav_module --with-http_flv_module
    --with-http_mp4_module --with-http_gunzip_module --with-http_gzip_static_module
    --add-module=../nginx-rtmp-module --add-module=../echo-nginx-module

    nginx was patched with patchelf to force usage of specific
    distributed with the bin

    PHP 7.4.32 (fpm-fcgi)
    (built: Sep 29 2022 16:15:14)
    Copyright (c) The PHP Group
    Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    configure arguments:
    --without-iconv --enable-fpm

    php-fpm was patched with patchelf to force usage of specific libraries
    distributed with the bin

    I'm not using it either!

    It simply comes with every release from the past weeks,, but my rpi4 simply crashes at boot if I have it selected.

    I have to manualy disable it, placing the sc-card in my pc and manually editing distroconfig.txt.

    Is cma-512 needed ?

    could it be possible to NOT being enabled by default ?


    I've lost some hours to understand why my RPi4 started to crash at boot after installing newer le10 nightly builds.

    After some tests I've noticed that the line in distroconfig.txt:


    Is the one to blame.

    If I remove cma-512 from distroconfig.txt, Le10 works just fine.

    I have a RPi4 with 4 GB RAM.

    What could be happening ? (the previous le10 builds did not had cma-512 and also worked ok).

    No one else had the same problem ?

    Thanks :)