Posts by Dr. Seltsam

    After I read the announcement for 9.2.0

    In this initial release 1080p playback behaviour and performance on the 4B are broadly on-par with the previous 3B/3B+ model, except for HEVC media which is now hardware decoded and massively improved

    I replaced my Raspi 2 with a new 4B. But it is unusable. The video is stuttering and I see tearing effects. I play 1080p24 Movies (h264) with 24Hz and the TV switches correctly to this mode.

    Here is a debug log:

    The guys at OSMC seem to be less euphoric:


    As the device is new and MMAL is being deprecated from Kodi, we need to support V4L2/GBM. This is still a work in progress by Raspberry Pi

    In the interim we will support software decoding. It will be a long time (at least a year) before hardware video acceleration is working well using this stack.

    (This was end of October 2019.)

    So what is the current status of Raspi 4 support? Should it play 1080p h264 as good as the Raspi 2? If so, why do I experience these problem?