Pelican. I have same issue on my box too (minimxiii s905, 2/16, installed on sd card). Don't worry, you have to downgrade to "j" version and everything it's ok.
Posts by mariozo
Aha thx might be problem in iptv simple client then if its the same with mediaportal pvr client...
I had similar problems with iptv simple client, with long time to open channels about 7-10 seconds. Then i have changed iptv links to .hsl links and then i had fast channel switching. Before that i had m3u list with .ts links that makes long time to channel switch
LibreElec repo not working??Have this problem too. After updating from .009 version
Have this 64 bit version temp sensor disbled?
You have to try images. Some people have boot issues on new builds (me included, beelink minimxiii 2/16)
I have same problem, my beelink minimxiii 2/16. I have disabled cec on all devices, but minimx keeps turning itself on...
so i have to disconnect power from minimx...
Try to boot without hdmi cable plugged in. 30sec. later connect hdmi cable. I had problems too, I'm on 4k resolution, mabey that is problem...
I had issues to boot from internal memory with latest devel build, i have no android, only LE.
On boot it stuck on beelink logo. Then I had to unplug hdmi cable to start, box is booting without tv, and later then I'm plug hdmi to box and LE is booted. than I can update devel from last week -
Try this.
Unplug hdmi cable from box, then power up.
After 15-20 seconds, plug hdmi cable. Try it few times if it doesn't start. It happens on my beelink minimxiii 2/16 too with latest devel -
Ok. Thaks for info!!
@alf1 thanks for sharing your build!
I'm using your build for few days and it's working great on my beelink minimxiii 2/16.
Iptv channels starting in 2-3 seconds, on 16.1 kodi I have to wait 12 seconds to get started.
I have no buffering problems and videos playing smoothly (1080i 50hz) over NAS and internet streaming. (Without additional advancedsettings.xml settings)
Only remote didn't recognize, so i have to install it manually.
One small problem is that I have to restart pvr plugins that you compiled (vu+ and simpleiptv) every time I start kodi, it's not recognized on start... But it's no big deal