Posts by krisux

    It worked. My terminal was set incorrectly and it did not respond to the boot command.

    I copied the image via smb and uploaded it via emmctool.

    Thank u!


    ^ This is good, it means eMMC is fully erased (and the board is not bricked, it's simply missing software). You can now boot the board from an SD card .. as long as the SD card has a working u-boot in the correct places. The LE "hub" board image has everything needed although the catch22 will be that you're likely to hit the same problem with serial UART noise. Perhaps try writing the factory image backup written to SD and see if that's found (it might not be since it's an eMMC backup and S905 puts magic boot headers in different offsets for eMMC and SD) but even if it fails at booting into Android it might get you to a recovery console or perhaps the vendor u-boot console.

    I made a mistake and tried to upload Armbian to the internal memory. I don't see anything on TV at the moment. The uart connection reports a similar header as in this post.

    I have prepared a recovery card but the box can't read it.


    LibreELEC-AML v9.2.8.11 osiągnął fazę wydawania, ale nie chcę go wypuszczać, dopóki nie odkryjemy błędu, o którym wspomniałeś, ale nie chcę też czekać w nieskończoność. Proszę o przedstawienie czegoś namacalnego o co prosiłem wcześniej w poście #857 , bo bez tego nie mogę niczego zbadać, ale opóźni to wydanie kolejnej wersji. Dzięki.

    zuka1977 I also have this box and hdr hevc playback works perfectly

    Is it possible to specify the AVR device that should handle audio passthrough?

    I have an old avr without e-arc so i use audio deembedder. HD audio is not always recognized correctly by the audio device. Sometimes I have to stop and start the video several times. I don't need sound on the TV speakers.

    Can I assign a denon receiver for all audio coming out of kodi?

    I cannot download from official repo...

    2021-10-26 09:36:18.188 T:3975152496   ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK(60)
    2021-10-26 09:36:18.189 T:3975152496   ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 0 for
    2021-10-26 09:36:18.189 T:3975152496   ERROR: Could not fetch addon location and hash from

    all log here...