Posts by CvH
What OS do you use ?
addon repo was down for 4h, should work again
First of RPi.GPIO is EOL and does not support RPi5 and has problems with recent kernels.
For luma this is ofc a problem, as long they do not support the recent way of doing GPIO (RPi.GPIO was always more or less a massive hack rather then doing it properly). I have no idea what's needed that the standard way of dealing with gpio is gets supported there - there are open issues in that directions too.
For reference
rpi-tools: update addon and build for aarch64 as well by HiassofT · Pull Request #8230 · LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tvupdate gpiozero to 2.0 and switch from RPI.GPIO to the libgpiod-based lg-gpio, like RPiOS did in it's bookworm release Also drop the ancient adafruit libraries…github.comGPIO.add_event_detect no longer works with the new kernel 6.60 · Issue #6037 · raspberrypi/linuxDescribe the bug Since the update to the following kernel, the "add_event_detect" function from the RPi.GPIO library no longer works. Linux outdoor enclosurePi… -
VERY happy to help - I'm sure I can re-create a LE9.2.8 instance and run it through a few addon installs and ship you the logs.
likewise this does not recreates the problem, but you can try maybe it is really a addon that is "special" that creates such problems
we can easily look at the logs if it happens again so if you want to try something just go for it
the blocking is IP based, so if one device is spamming the repo your IP is banned for x-minutes
I am VERY interested at a debug log from your Raspberry Pi with LE 9.2, we have several such users that spamming the repo but we have no Idea why this happens. This is likely a Kodi problem, but we have not yet get any useful information.
To upload the log pls enter at the shell or upload the file itself, it would be very helpful
Isn't that an item by item approach?
its the same for a whole show, I just hadn't one for an example
so you update a whole show it updates everything regardless if 1 or 1000 files
Hello, what about DVB addons? I stayed with my Pi4 on 10.0.4 because the Blog Post for version 11 said they were disabled.
even at LE10 there were no DVB Addons enabled for RPi4, so likewise there is some misunderstanding
We just have not enabled additional drivers for TBS dvb cards (TBS is a manufacturer) but every other DVB card drivers is still there.
So if it works at RPi4 LE10 it should work at LE12 too.
The version he is trying to connect to is 11.80.0
if you took a nightly version pls be aware that the oldes versions are ontop of the download page and the latest are at the bottom - we are aware of that issue
you need the version "Legacy Generic PC (for older PCs and NVIDIA GPUs)"
I tried this my self (at RPi5) works like a charm, recorded 5mins without a problem. Used ffmpeg-tools from repo.
Codeffmpeg -i -vcodec copy -acodec copy -metadata service_name=ZDF\ HD -metadata service_provider=IPTV-DE -mpegts_service_type advanced_codec_digital_hdtv -f mpegts pipe:1 > aa.ts
MAYBE a fs problem ?
can you try the 6.1 static libs from ?
if it does not work older libs are there too
maybe its some build switch or something why it does not work or something changed in current versions
the log look pretty normal
can you try if it works with the internetstream ?
Codepipe://ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -i -vcodec copy -acodec copy -metadata service_name=ZDF\ HD -metadata service_provider=IPTV-DE -mpegts_service_type advanced_codec_digital_hdtv -f mpegts pipe:1
MAYBE mpegts_service_type helps ?
also try to set the loglevel to some more verbose setting, maybe there is some hint why it closes
can you try to manual pipe it though ffmpeg without Tvh included ?
easier to reproduce and likewise better errors
ut my addon-repo is 11.80.6.
thats correct, the addon repo mismatches the beta version (its not a functional problem)
12.0.0 fixes that, otherwise it should perfect
try to delete the content of that folder /storage/.kodi/addons/packages, that is the addon cache, maybe that fixes anything