Hello! Just a quick question: is there a way to boot to LE while in boxs default Android? I know the other way around is easy (wgile in LE I select reboot from internal) . I mean I can get to LE from android by going to the update tool, and selecting any zip. But I was hoping theres another way? Rebooting to recovery doesnt work (it reboots to recovery) . So is there another way?Id like to have microSD card inserted all the time. Like I said once in LE I just select reboot from internal and boom Im in Android. How to do the opposite? Obviously im looking at an elegant solution without any resetting toothpicks or choosing any zip in update tool. Something like reboot to recovery (but like I said it doesnt work) . So any ideas, anyone?
Use the APK called realreboot simple but works great. You can disable notifications in the settings.
Just click okay a couple of times to reboot, you'll see.