Posts by kodiuser1

    Hello! Just a quick question: is there a way to boot to LE while in boxs default Android? I know the other way around is easy (wgile in LE I select reboot from internal) . I mean I can get to LE from android by going to the update tool, and selecting any zip. But I was hoping theres another way? Rebooting to recovery doesnt work (it reboots to recovery) . So is there another way?

    Id like to have microSD card inserted all the time. Like I said once in LE I just select reboot from internal and boom Im in Android. How to do the opposite? Obviously im looking at an elegant solution without any resetting toothpicks or choosing any zip in update tool. Something like reboot to recovery (but like I said it doesnt work) . So any ideas, anyone?

    Use the APK called realreboot simple but works great. You can disable notifications in the settings.
    Just click okay a couple of times to reboot, you'll see.

    I just got my mouse working again and all buttons on the remote. All I did was copy the remote.conf for my android to LibreELEC. Now everything works. I recommend if you are having issues then try that.

    If anyone needs the remote.conf for a NEXBOX A5 s905x here it is Dropbox - Link not found

    Has anyone noticed any pops/clicks like static on the audio since trying "LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20161028232312-r23412-g028df0e.img.gz"?

    S905 T95N 1GB/8GB/100mbit

    Connected straight to the TV using HDMI - changed to make sure it was HDMI output in Audio settings.

    I've gone back to .008 to see if it goes - probably didn't need to try the devel version anyway since everything is working well already!

    I have not. The audio is way better for me on the latest build.

    NEXBOX A5 2gb/16gb s905x

    Guys can anyone reply pls...does microsd card used make any difference ??

    The bigger the better, I use 16 gb cards. I would say 8gb minimum. The more important thing is the speed and quality though I think.

    I use the fastest card. I think it has 10 m/bit speed.

    Thanks alot. This is working really well :)

    Only thing thats not working right now is the back button on the remote (mini mx 1gb/8gb) which ofcourse is a must.

    Any fix for that?


    My remote, totally different box. The back button was not working but the bottom right key square with X in worked for back.

    You can always use KEYMAP editor.
    Are there going to be any more JARVIS updates or has work shifted to Krypton? My devel build .008 is working flawlessly.

    My power button DOES work. Just use the latest devel build that I used. It works 100% for A5 box.

    Can someone post the link to the latest build for S905x 2 gb /16gb. There are some devel builds floating around. I have .008 installed. Thanks.

    Is this the latest??

    Update to the last devel delevop version, contains the fix for the remote.

    Just wondering it says that device trees are optional for s905x chips, just use the generic. What are the advantages of using the optional device tree??

    Hi All,

    I just wanted to share my experience with my new NEXBOX A5 s905x 2gb/16gb.
    Using this devel build LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20161028232312-r23412-g028df0e.img.gz installed to SD Card.

    Everything works 100% AFAIK.

    Remote 100% including power on/off. No mouse, but who needs it.

    System connects to wifi no problem.

    Anyone want me to test anything else???

    Great job kszaq will send coffee money.

    @ pawnthep Wrote:

    Tested on Nexbox A95X S905X (2g/16g):
    - boot from SD card --- ok
    - install to NAND using ssh script from SD card -- ok
    - CEC, Wifi 2.4/5 ghz, bluetooth, lan, dvb-t2 Mygica T203 -- all ok


    kodiuser1 Wrote: Please let us know how it goes. I'm thinking of getting a VONTAR T95 box as well.

    Works perfect mate

    gazrob Wrote:


    Works perfect mate

    Although mine is a sunvell t95

    Check with gazrob his specs
    If im not helping let me know :)