Try to find the original remote.conf for the box. You can do this in Android (the image that came loaded onto the box) by searching for it with ES File Explorer. I believe its in the root of Android in the .etc folder. Once you find it save a copy to a USB stick.
You may also find it by searching google, or you may also find it here -
remote.conf repository - Page 14 - Amlogic - LibreELEC Forum
The remote.conf needs to be copied into the configfiles folder in Libreelec. You need to ssh into the box via Windows, or use Winscp to transfer the file via a Windows PC to Libreelec.
Reboot and see if it worked.
Thank you for your help. I finally made it. I found a working remote.conf of a beeline m18 that seemed alike and did the job using ssh from my mac.