Installed v20180717 on a usb stick and used it on my tanix S912 device. After realizing the reason the keyboard was not working was because I did not delete the stock dtb.img file from the new test img, made it through the initial setup just fine.
Since I requested it, first thing tested was reading uhd ISO files, and this version is able to open them now, thanks Oleg
. Had done some research on the problem and am in the process of setting up a development system to use to try and get a test build from your amLogic_S905-kernel, libreElec & xbmc repos on github (used to build my own development/custom openelec images for pi's & xbmc binaries for macOSX a few years back...but those development environments are long gone ). Thought the problem could be an older version of libbluray was used, and libbluray-1.0.2 was not in your xbmc source, but the kodi log file showed libbluray-1.0.2 was being used, or that j2me was not enabled, so was going to try and pass the --with-bdj-type=j2me config option in the libbluray-1.0.2 src compile and see if that helped..curious if that was the problem with reading uhd ISO's, or if it was something else.
Am having some audio issues with the UHD's, still trying to figure out an optimal setting. HDMI passthrough does not work very well for any Atmos tracks, but the default analog passthrough setting did work on the Saving Private Ryan UHD mkv file tested. The Oblivion UHD ISO was still having audio/video stuttering, and buffering issues, but was better using analog audio passthrough instead of HDMI. Now that there is an amLogic leia version that opens UHD ISO's available, will create some more ISOs and try more extensive testing of them. Will also begin testing the leia builds on my Minix U91 S912 device.
Also, I have my amLogic stable 8.2.4 version setup to only boot from its external device (sd card), with the data residing on a partition of the internal storage. Maybe setting up the leia test builds to do the same might help with the video/audio/buffering issues. Need to verify, but my guess is that if I do that it will wipe/overwrite the data from the stable 8.24 build on the internal storage, since they're both going to use the same data partition.
Oleg, your time & work on development for the amLogic devices is appreciated.