Posts by Kupo91
Today I noticed an issue with ppsspp. Dont know when the issue came up because I didnt play any psp games for a while.
Always the first game I start with ppsspp the screen is in the left top corner. All further starts are normal. Just the first start after booting the system is affected. I tested with different games.
I attach the log files, hope those are the correct ones.
Nope you did not delete your es_systems.cfg before you've updated your system. Mupen64plus-nx is the default core for months now emulationstation: use snes9x & mupen64plus-nx as default cores · 5schatten/LibreELEC-RR@9ff28fd · GitHub
Do I have to delete my retroarch config file before updating too?
I got it from Index of /nightly/
But it seems there are no nigthlies for s905
Maybe this question is dumb but is there no way to leave the spotify home screen?
I usually dont use this app I just tested for the aeon mq7 skinner if all the reborn remix apps work in his skin because he doesnt have libreelec.
And the only way I found to exit spotify was to reboot the system in putty
In the past I used alsa as audio backend because I didnt manage to run pulseaudio. Now I gave it another try because this volume difference between dolphin and the rest annoys me too and just noticed that everything I had to do was unchecking "Use module-udev-detect to autodetect PulseAudio device". So the sound is working now and also decreasing the volume in the rr config tool works fine.
However only with Emulationstation 5schatten you maybe remember that Im using a different script in Rom Collection Browser and I dont get it working with pulse. Currently I have no sound in dolphin if I start it via RCB. Can you please take a look and tell me what I have to change? Is it even possible to use pulse on this setup because I dont freeze kodi and I use alsa in kodi?
Display More#!/bin/sh # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 0riginally created by Escalade ( # Copyright (C) 2018-present 5schatten ( . /etc/profile # Set common paths DOLPHIN_HOME_CONFIG=/storage/.config/dolphin-emu/share DOLPHIN_HOME_LOCAL=/storage/.local/share/dolphin-emu # create link to config directory if [ ! -L ${DOLPHIN_HOME_LOCAL} ]; then mkdir -p ${DOLPHIN_HOME_CONFIG} cp -r ${DOLPHIN_HOME_LOCAL}/* ${DOLPHIN_HOME_CONFIG}/ rm -rf ${DOLPHIN_HOME_LOCAL} ln -s ${DOLPHIN_HOME_CONFIG} ${DOLPHIN_HOME_LOCAL} fi # Change refresh rate to 50Hz(PAL) or 60Hz(NTSC/PAL60) set_refresh_rate_60 # Set audio backend to PulseAudio or ALSA export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa # Set Qt5 screen scale environment vars set_QT_screen_scale_environment_vars dolphin-emu "$@"> /var/log/dolphin.log 2>&1
I just tried to change =alsa to =pulseaudio but that doesnt work.
I think I had a bit of success. It works if I enter systemctl start storage-roms-ps2.mount so it obviously fails to activate the mount file during the boot process. I think this line Before=kodi.service in the [Unit] part might be the issue but just removing it didnt bring the solution.
Any ideas?
Run the command in a terminal.
I did. After a reboot I was able to change the audio output device. Its working again
Your mount file is somewhat wrong so it's not loaded as it should.
I just disabled and enabled it again but its still complaining. Dont know if there is further information in this log. There is a warning when I disabled the mount file and a different note at the end
Display MoreLibreELEC:~ # systemctl disable /storage/.config/system.d/storage-roms-ps2.mount Warning: Can't execute disable on the unit file path. Proceeding with the unit name. Removed /storage/.config/system.d/ LibreELEC:~ # systemctl enable /storage/.config/system.d/storage-roms-ps2.mount Created symlink /storage/.config/system.d/ → /storage/.config/system.d/storage-roms-ps2.mount. LibreELEC:~ # ● storage-roms-ps2.mount - mount service Loaded: loaded (/storage/.config/system.d/storage-roms-ps2.mount; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2019-03-26 18:36:47 CET; 8min ago Where: /storage/roms/ps2 What: /var/media/SPIELE/PlayStation2/Roms Mar 26 18:36:47 LibreELEC mount[244]: mount: mounting /var/media/SPIELE/PlayStation2/Roms on /storage/roms/ps2 failed: No such file or directory
What do you try to tell me with this command? Do you want me to type in and show you the content of the conf file?
QuoteThe difference should be obvious storage-roms-ps2.mount = storage/roms/ps2.mount = /storage/roms/ps2
storage-roms-ps2.mount is my filename. So if you mean that my filename is wrong I assume that you refer to this:
QuoteOutput of:
systemctl status fullnameofyour.mount
The first time I didnt type in the file name but the path+filename. If you mean this by saying my filename is wrong heres the new output of systemctl status storage-roms-ps2.mount
Display More● storage-roms-ps2.mount - mount service Loaded: loaded (/storage/.config/system.d/storage-roms-ps2.mount; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2019-03-26 16:45:21 CET; 1h 11min ago Where: /storage/roms/ps2 What: /var/media/SPIELE/PlayStation2/Roms Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is incomplete or unavailable. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LibreELEC:~ #