This is a follow up from RE: My Old Minix Neo U9-H Can Be Updated? which possibly better fits here.
I was just trying to run the latest 11.0.4 on Minix Neo U9-H.
First, booting the default config without any changes gets me into LE screen, then it gets shortly into Kodi screen, then again into LE screen and then gets stuck. It looks like it gets stuck at a point where another poster here got kernel panic. I do not though.
Second, enabling the log into console and sshd (following the advice from RE: My Old Minix Neo U9-H Can Be Updated?) showed that LE gets quite far in the boot process (see the attached pics).
Setting the video mode to suggested video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080M@60 did not work though, I did not get any video output at all. Setting no explicit video or using video=HDMI-A-1:1280x720M@50 seems to work equally well - TV identifies the mode as 720p and shows the aforementioned screens. This is strange because the TV should support 1920x1080p@60Hz (and it indeed does when running the venerable CoreElec version).
What is also strange is when it gets stuck I cannot connect to sshd, but I can ping the box, even though it looks like sshd started correctly, which is confirmed both in the console log and also in a "postmortem analysis" of the SD card, where I can see that the ssh started and the keys were correctly generated in both the log and in /storage/.cache/ssh. But despite the positive indications the box does not respond to ssh request. From /storage/.cache/conman files I can deduct that the wired network was correctly configured by DHCP (also confirmed by ping), so some part of the network stack is running correctly.
When booting with log enabled it also looks like there is a moment (possibly around starting kodi) where it looks like LE/Kodi is trying switching the video mode but failing and continuing with 720p.
After several attempts I manage to record a log from kodi (/storage/.kodi/temp) but it does not seem to indicate anything out of ordinary (
I was thinking about booting LE without starting the kodi, so I can look around more, but to enable that I only find methods which either involve already running LE, or modifying the ext4 filesystem (which I cannot do, as I have only Windows machine at the moment, and only read-only access tool for ext4). Is there a way to disable kodi by modifying uEnv.ini or something else on FAT partition?