Posts by GDPR-7

    are you sure it's *NOT* your settings ?

    running nightly-20211109-38564b7 here, fresh installed [1] yesterday

    - box spec's: see signature -

    player settings are all: default

    no crashes either with movies nor TV


    - installed LE release

    - logged in via ssh

    - stopped kodi

    - removed kodi directory [2]

    - drop nightly in ~/.update

    - rebooted

    - ...


    in case you want to setup your box as in [1]: removing kodi means all addon's with their settings are gone too !

    my small form factor pc is apparently not compatible with the new windows 11

    compatible ?

    someone installed win11 on an aged Pentium4 and the requirements for win11 are bypassable (search the INet)

    *Win11-linked items removed by moderator, no need to compare a PentiumIV and a AMD Ryzen 2400G*


    i'm running LE 10.0.1 and nightly on an NUC without issues (whereas I need to say: 10.0.1 came out yesterday)

    I have no idea what's up for AMD...

    You are the one who asked for comments, but if you think argumentative is the way to go then good luck with that.

    I disagreed with your statement "is very readable".

    the main challenge will be finding a Python person to code/implement the changes :)

    I had that in my mind, but not that it would break something.

    anyway, I'll do what I ever do, cause of the indistinguishably of that date format:

    remove all backup's and create a new one, cause I only need them to go back, if something breaks.

    I'll mark this thread a s "solved"

    and then create one massive partition for my media storage

    I would do the following after you changed the partition table to GPT:

    - I'm unsure if and how it's doable -


    a) does the LE installer leave the partition table as is during a new LE install ??? and

    b) is it possible to limit the size of the storage partition under the installer ?

    if both answers are "yes":

    I would partition the disk as following:

    1. one usual boot partition for LE

    2. one usual storage partition for LE, let's say ~1 GB or more in size

    3. a third partition for the whole media's mounted [1] in an directory on the usual storage partition of LE (size: rest of the disk)

    in short:

    a usual LE install with a limited size of the LE storage partition and an additional third partition


    if in the future a LE release comes out and a new/fresh/clean install is recommended (e.g. a upgrade is impossible)

    one could unmount the third (media) partition, new install the shiny new LE and mount the partition back again


    NO movement of the whole media's to another disk is needed (maybe time consuming) before fresh install !


    via a script or maybe it's done automatically [2]


    running an release LE on an ssd and an nightly LE on an USB Stick: media from the ssd is mounted into a directory of the stick without manually intervention

    (via udev, systemd ???)

    +++ EDIT +++

    tested it with release LE 10.0.1 :

    answer for question b) is NOanswer for question a) is unclear (don't know what the partition table was before; now it is GPT on a 500 GB disk)

    partitions from another disk in the same box are auto. mounted to /var/media/

    you could do a full disk check since it seems to be a new drive. It can take some time

    a "smartctl -a /dev/sda" before reports how long it will last


    Short self-test routine recommended polling time: ( 2) minutes.

    Extended self-test routine recommended polling time: ( 104) minutes.


    smartctl -t short /dev/sda for the first

    smartctl -t long /dev/sda for the second

    both will report when the command is complete !

    smartctl -X /dev/sda (uppercase "X") will abort the test

    This is not a typical distance/screensize combination. Have you ever seen someone being 2 meter away from a 24" screen in an office or home situation?

    Without looking: the top one, when the files are properly sorted.

    are we talking about LE as an TV/Mediacenter Software for usually viewing TV/media's from a distance > 1.5 m or

    are we talking about a computer workplaces with a usually work distance of ~0.5 m for e.g. feeding this forum, etc ?

    *I* watch TV on an 24" Monitor from exactly (measured) 1,5 m

    - enough is enough, no need to waste more electrons -

    thanks, running my test

    the sort order is as is /laid out !

    (therefore ?!) I'm sorry to say: you were wrong, but proofed(?) :-/ my RFC is *valid* and *makes sense* ?!

    format (%Y%m%d%H%M%S), it makes sense, is very readable.


    not on an 24" screen from a distance of ~2 m (I guess not only for elder people with(!)/without glasses) !

    the only need is to decide what's the oldest backup to subseq. remove it and therefore the current format is very hard to read.

    and - I guess - no one will usually sort backup files.

    and if:

    those mostly sitting in front of the screen and if that's the case a "ls -lt" is a friend to find the oldest backup...

    proof it yourself:

    move away to a distance of 1,5 m and decide which one is the oldest (don't look before !!! 8) )






    IIRC the format is checked in the code. Making it nicer may result in to many complaints.

    the "make-up" could be made off again.

    something like:

    echo 2021-10-30_0045.tar|sed s'/-\|_//g'

    => 202110300045.tar

    the two numbers for the seconds are still left, but there is for sure a sed command to add '00' for the seconds (assuming no one will distinguish backup's on an second base) ...

    I wouldn't mind adding machine info to the backup filename, especially with multiple LE devices flying around.



    the problem I (many ?) have is the readablility of the date/time string.

    I guess the date in front is a plus when sorting ...


    I often stumble over the naming scheme of LE's backup, e.g.:


    even when there are more then one backup in the directory and watching that from a distance of some meters


    it would be better readable if it would be one of:

    2021-10-30_00:45.tar => echo $(date +%F_%R).tar


    2021-10-30_00-45.tar => echo $(date +%F_%H-%M).tar


    2021-10-30_0045.tar => echo $(date +%Y-%m-%e_%H%M).tar

    comments/rotten fruits ? :/

    When I run df -h I still don’t see the ada drive at all.

    sgdisk -p /dev/sda OR parted -l /dev/sda

    will show us if the disk is partitioned and if and how it's formated

    smartctl -H /dev/sda

    will show us if the disk is Hea-lth-y.

    more too play with (?) : "smartctl -h" (h like help for all options)


    ping forum admin:

    why is "hea-lth-y" normally written a "censored word" ?