I may have run into the same problem and found a workaround:
Assuming you have set up wg++ correctly and performed a run, your epg data should be located here:
Following the instructions from here
I downloaded tv_grab_wg++
Since /usr/bin is read only on LibreELEC I put it in /storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvheadend42/bin/ where TvHeadend is certain to find it.
LibreELEC's busybox has issues with this bash script however ("bashisms"), so it needs to be edited:
- replace line1 with:
- point xmltv_file_location in line4 to the wg++'s guide_wgp.xml
- replace line9 with:
if [ $# -lt 1 ]
- replace line26 with:
*) [ "${arg:0:1}" = "-" ]
Oops, there are no smileys in scripts...remove one of the doubled opening and closing brackets, and equal signs, respectively.
Deactivate/activate TvHeadend and choose tv_grab_wg++ as XMLTV grabber module.
Click on "Re-run Internal EPG Grabbers".