Posts by Saschman


    I would like to setup a TVHeadend Server for my network clients. The PC would only be used as server and not be acting as a client simultaneously. There will be 3 clients in the network.

    Because libreelec is very easy to setup with tvheadend and I'm not good at linux, so I would not want to fiddle around with other linux distributions there is one thing I'd like to know:

    Can I configure Libreelec with TVheadend that it goes to sleep when no lan clients are connected and then wakes up once a client spins up?

    Thx and BR



    I have the problem that ESC and BACKSPACE have the same function in on my S95x box.

    Usually it worked that BACKSPACE always goes BACK one step and ESC always brought me to the homes creen when navigating trough folders. Currently ESC also only goes back to the last screen rather than jumping to the home screen.

    Is this a know problem or a wrong keymapping in

    Thx and BR
