You´re the man.
When I play 4k hevc hdr(BT20.20) on my S912 box connected to my TV supporting 4k hdr - everything is fine
Why don´t You use a supported TV ?
Sorry, I don´t understand why You are whining 
Why would you even comment if its pure nonsensical garbage? You realize ppl have old TVs, they still want to use "properly", like some early 4K TVs, that dont have HDR support. Or TVs with rather badly implemented HDR, where its probably just better to have them run at 8/10 bit without HDR at all. Or some older 1080p TVs, they want to continue using.
I mean, just stay the F out of the converstation, since you dont have anything constructive to contribute. Same thing applies to this Pelican clown.
I don't know where you are getting your facts from? Koying is the developer of SPMC and the main release is still Jarvis so that would probably explain half your problems if that is what your using... as for him being the only developer working on the Shield that could not be more further from the truth.
First of all, Ive tried both SPMC and normal Kodi 17.6. Both have a solid ammount of issues, with fewer issues beeing on SPMC. Like passthrough problems with certain audio streams and so on. I mean what are you trying to prove here? Its enough to take a look at the Shield TV section in the NV forum to get a clue how much stuff doesnt work right and how many problems it has.
I use NV Shield almost every day for over a year or so, since there was no other alternatives with native 4K Support in Apps like Netflix, Youtube, Amazon etc. I know the device very well and Ive tried a ton of stuff
I own both the Shield and the U9-H and even though it is 3 years old it still beats any other ARM SoC device hands down and I would choose it over the U9-H any day of the week, it can't be that bad as well otherwise Nintendo would not have chosen to put the very same SoC inside of the Switch, to say it is full of bugs and problems is absolutely ridiculous it's had more updates than most Android devices that are on the market. As for comparing to an Apple device, lol... good luck with getting Kodi on that.
Where did I claim, that Nvidia doesnt beat the rest of the Android SoCs in terms of performance? It is still the fastest Android device out there, I never claimed anything different. However A10X is also ARM architecture and it wipes the floor with the Shield SoC. So I dont get what your point here exactly is.. I even wrote that it was a beast of a SoC during the last like 2.5 years, so again- what exactly is your point here, what are you trying to prove? I dont get it.
Sure did Shield TV have plenty of updates, they did fix many things. And they have also managed to mess up many things with new updates, which then required patches of the messed up patches. Again- just take a fast look in the Shield TV section and you will see than even after dozens of updates, alot of stuff still doesnt work right. Well Apple has MrMC which is essentially a Kodi App without Add-on functionality, but it still plays the same video files as Kodi does, which is the main purpose of Kodi, so I kind of miss your point here as well.
The issue with HDR on AML has been covered so many times, it's not a 'LE bug' nor is it a 'bug' of any kind, it's is purely down to the way the Amlogic SoC handles HDR, it's not something that will be resolved.
And that is exactly why I called these cheap AML android media players garbage. I did a few more tests with the Minix U9-H with HDR->SDR conversion on a 4K TV that has no HDR support. In Android Tablet OS, when using the "Movie Player" the image is less dark than with LE, so it has less black crush and less messed up contrast. However the color saturation is still incorrect, it appears washed out. When using stand alone LE, its alot worse with both black crush and contrast.
The HDR->SDR conversion with AML SoC can be considered broken in my book. If someone who has an early 4K TV without HDR support wants a player that converts HDR->SDR correctly, you better not bother with these trash AML players.
But heres something different though- I have a Kaby Lake i3 NUC right now running Windows 10. I have a 4K monitor connected to it, ofcourse without HDR support, its an 8-bit 4K SDR monitor. And when I play the same files on this NUC with proper software like MPV player etc.- the picture looks perfect. The NUC does the HDR->SDR conversion in Windows properly, it looks absolutely great. But I wanted a dedicated Kodi player for my 4K SDR TV and an older 1080p TV. If I knew how bad the HDR->SDR conversion looks with AML players and that it cant even do Lanczos 3 upscaling with SDR or 720p content, I certainly wouldnt have bothered buying the Minix U9..
I think wrxtasy should consider putting a warning in his thread here Auto frame rate switching & dynamic range matching - 4K (HDR10) capable Hardware that the image wont look right with AML players when converting HDR-> SDR, because I assumed the listed Media Players in the first post do the right job converting HDR->SDR properly. Which unfortunately is nowhere even close the case with the AML SoCs.
But I dont blame wrxtasy, he cant test every single device and figure out if the image looks right or not. I mean the Minix U9 does convert it after all, the question is "how good?" though. The answer is not good at all.
Unfotunately it doesnt work with NV Shield as well.. so much to "greatest Android player".. It seems like Ill have to check out the ATV 4K or wait until Kodi team implements it with NUC hardware.