Posts by his.dudeness


    I've tried it exactly like you described but after a reboot LE shows some error messages at boot time (something about beeing unable to start pulseaudio service) and I am not able to connect my phone via bluetooth anymore.

    My default sink is called a little bit different (it's a hdmi output) but other than that my I tried to follow your steps exactly

    Got an idea?

    I concur with your suggestion: It would be nice to be able to do this via GUI witch would be less prone to human error.

    What really baffles me: One would think that playing audio from your mobile device via KODI in e.g. your living room, where a nice sound system is connected, would be a more useful scenario than playing audio from your KODI to a bluetooth speaker.

    Yet bluetooth receiving is quite cumbersome to set up and you only see very few a forum posts here and there about it.. Most of them pretty old.


    I am trying to move my media library from a windows file share to a smb share on a FreeNAS (11.2-U4.1) box but I cannot get kodi to connect to it via the UI. The windows box and the freenas box are members of my little active directory domain and I am using the same user to connect to both shares.

    When I ssh to the libreelec (9.0.2 on RasPi) and enter the following command, I can mount the share via cli:

    mount -t cifs -o vers=3\.0,[email protected],password=Password //freenas01.domain.local/media /var/media/test/

    But, when I try to add a media source via UI at my TV I am always getting a authentication error. (wrong username or pw)

    As server name I tried:

    - hostname (freenas01)

    - fqdn (freenas01.domain.local)

    - ipv4 address

    As user name I tried:

    - [email protected]

    - user

    - domain\user

    - domain/user

    Connecting to the windows share from the LE UI usually works with [email protected] and the IP or FQDN of my windows box that holds the share.

    I also tried all combinations of smb versions and enabled NTLMv1 on freenas – without luck.

    Any idea how to troubleshoot this? ?(



    Hi Hias,

    sorry, my bad !! :huh:

    A few years ago I tried out a Zotac nano box for LibreELEC and I guess at that time I must have configured my harmony to act like a zotac remote instead of a mce remote.

    I totally forgot about it as it has been working with my mce usb receiver since *facepalm*

    This whole remote thing is pretty confusing. I remember that my original mce remote worked with the zotac box except for the on/off key. One might think that there is no big difference between zotac and mce. But obviously there is.

    Anyways, thank you very much for your help !!!!

    I switched my harmony to act like a mce remote again and now everything works fine :)

    thanks again!



    ever since the upgrade from LibreELEC 8 to 9.0.2 my mce remote isn‘t working anymore.

    I already tried wrapping my head around the wiki page (Infrared Remotes []) but have no clue what to do to make the remote work again

    And I think LE is already detecting the remote correctly, even after the upgrate. It is just not working.

    This is from before (LibreELEC 8)

    Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event0) with:Driver mceusb, table rc-rc6-mceSupported protocols: lirc rc-5 rc-5-sz jvc sony nec sanyo mce_kbd rc-6 sharp xmpEnabled protocols: lirc nec rc-6Name: Media Center Ed. eHome Infraredbus: 3, vendor/product: 0471:0815, version: 0x0000Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms

    And this is from after the upgrade (LE 9)

    Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event0) with:Name: Media Center Ed. eHome Infrared Remote Transceiver (0471:0815)Driver: mceusb, table: rc-rc6-mcelirc device: /dev/lirc0Supported protocols: lirc rc-5 rc-5-sz jvc sony nec sanyo mce_kbd rc-6 sharp xmp imon rc-mmEnabled protocols: lirc nec rc-6bus: 3, vendor/product: 0471:0815, version: 0x0000Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms

    looks pretty much the same to me :/

    does anyone have an idea how to fix this?




    thanks for your replies and sorry for the confusion about the CIFS / SMB.
    What I meant was: I am using a "regular" CIFS share on Win2016 box and added the source via the Kodi GUI as “Windows network (SMB)” Mounting the share via SSH and adding it as a local file system source in Kodi had similar effects (long time to open the folder)

    I just did an upgrade on my Test-RasPi to the latest nighly build I found:


    Same problem :-|

    I think it might have something to do with the higher latency on the WAN connection I am using. (About 35ms with 12 Mbit). Another RasPi with LibreELEC on the same LAN as the server doesn’t show the problem.

    Maybe it’s a samba issue that came with the new version in LE?

    My old LibreELEC and the Win10 clients are still working fine over the same WAN connection.

    Kind regards


    Kodi Log:

    22:10:01.397 T:1941917712 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://ma -

    Important part is between 14:23 and 14:26 I think

    journalctl –a :

    -- Logs begin at Thu 2017-12-14 22:09:57 UTC, end at Sat 2018-02-03 14:31:59 UTC -


    thanks for your reply!

    Here is the debug log:


    This is what I did to create it:

    - enabled debug logging

    - shutdown the system

    - booted the system

    - opened the file share to reproduce the error

    - "paste /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log"

    I've noticed another thing: I think during the time it takes to open the file share, the whole system seems to hang. It dosn't react to keystrokes on the remote and even the CPU usage indicators that are overlayed when debug logging is enabled seem to be frozen.

    And: I can confirm in version 8.0.2 this issue didn't exist yet. (Did a restore of my img backup to a different usb thumbdrive to test it)

    kind regards and many thanks



    since the upgrade from LE 8.0 to LE 8.2.1 it takes literally 3 minutes to open my cifs shares. Browsing through the folders inside the share is also very slow. It takes 30 seconds and more to open a folder with about 10 files in it. ?(

    Once I’ve opened a folder, playback of the files inside it works fine.

    The file server is a Server 2016. I’ve already played around with the smb version in LE (set it to fix to version 2 and 3) but no difference.

    Browsing the file share from a Win10 client with the same user works fine.

    Any ideas? :)
