Thanks for your answer
It seems firmware file was already committed years ago. The kernel driver is 5 days old!
Is there a beam of light? Will be available at LE8 or LE9?
Thanks for your answer
It seems firmware file was already committed years ago. The kernel driver is 5 days old!
Is there a beam of light? Will be available at LE8 or LE9?
After investigating a while, I notice that there is no any /dev/dvb driver to manage the DVB-S2 module... Fortunately, I have found the missing dvb firmware running in an old OE distro under /lib/firmware/dvb-fe-avl6211.fw (nothing similar at dvb-firmware/firmware at master · LibreELEC/dvb-firmware · GitHub).
I am wondering what is the best way to include the .fw file and if any other file is needed to populate the firmware in the image. Is it so simple as a pull request to the firmware repo? kszaq , can you assist me with this issue?
Milestone 1: u-boot configured to boot from nand and installtointernal OK. WiFi is rightly detected (I don't know, but it is working OK as RTL8188EUS).
Next step is to configure the a PVR to use the DVB-S2 module. Any recomendation about PVR client?
LibreELEC 8.2 for Amlogic S805 devices.
Thank you very much for supporting LE to the S805 devices.
I am testing 8.2 in a m200 board (chinese K1). Graphics and sound are OK and interface runs smoothly. WiFi connection is not detected (AP6210) but Realtek USB network device is always a good resort.
Currently booting from SD card and investigating how to upload to the nand memory (u-boot is hard to manage). I will inform about the next testing milestones...