Posts by ivenae

    The current development does not suits to me.

    The installtointernal skript is – in my opinion – great if everything works on sd card.

    I also used often the possibility of downgrading if something didn't works as planned. Downgrading is not possible if the kernel layout changes, but there were images missing before.

    build 8.90.5 was full of errors.

    build 8.90.6 also included a lot of errors.

    so i will continue to stay at 8.90.1 and hope that current releases are more solid.

    I have still problems with my wlan with 8.90.3.

    The wifi connection

    - works fine in 8.90.1.

    - didn't work in 8.90.2

    - works for 3 minutes and then breaks in version 8.90.3

    In 8.90.3 the wifi works the better, the more it is used. If the systems goes wifi-idle for a minute, then the connections breaks, my router then sais 1 mbit/s and i cannot even connect via ssh.

    Hi adamg,

    there was a discussion in the german forum for the Amazon-VOD Plugin.

    Quintessence: There is an error with the getwidevine policy in your build: I didn't understand it all the way, but normally the inputstream.helper plugin should download the widewine library if the library is not available or not working.

    In your build a script called loads the widewine library, but instead it loads an old version which doesn't collaborate with the Amazon VOD Plugin anymore.

    Reboot and german language most certainly do work.

    Which WLAN chipset do you have?

    I played around with the 8.90.2 a lot, even did a factory reset ("hard reset"), the problems didn't go away.

    After downgrade (without factory reset again) i could as well change language into german as reboot normally.

    Even WLAN performance was normal again.

    i checked a realtek rtl8192cu and the internal (i don't know, MAC address says: Smartchip Integrated Inc.)

    I'm not insane. I know what i have measured.

    And other guys also confirmed the wireless problem.

    I upgraded from 1.06 to 8.90.1 with the update.tar.

    Everything worked fine (also my integrated WiFi now works), but after each start i get the error message: "RTMP Input Plugin is not compatible with this version and is deactivated". Everything works fine for me, but i am not able to deactivate this plugin manually. What can i do to get rid of this message?

    Thanks for your reply. Maybe, just maybe since I'm not a programmer, these particular files could be excluded when using the HW accelerator so they always make use of the software decoder. But this might be a bridge to far, I don't know.

    Thanks anyway.

    Yes, the resolution with widevine is better.

    We have a 95" Beamer and our children use Amazon Prime Video for their child-TV, i never use it.

    I could not say if it is played with 720p or 1080p, but it's definitively better than PAL.

    It is all in here: [9.0] LibreELEC 9.x for S905/S905X

    If you forgot to use a new device tree or used wrong one and your device doesn't boot:

    • don't panic!
    • if booting from SD/USB, simply connect SD/USB to your computer, download a proper device tree, rename it to dtb.img and place on SD/USB
    • if booting from internal:
      1. Boot this build from SD card or USB with correct device tree.
      2. Login over SSH and execute dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/dtb bs=256k count=1 then dd if=/flash/dtb.img of=/dev/dtb bs=256k
      3. Power off, remove SD/USB, boot from internal.

    I'm new here and i came to stay.

    I changed a WD TV Play into a S905x Player from Aliexpress and it superseedes the old system.

    I had the following wishes:

    - Play x265

    - Use Amazon Prime Video

    - Faster Boottime (15 sec instead of 2 min!)

    Everything is working fine.

    I have had a few problems:

    - Sound not working properly with HDMI 5.1 extractor -> wrong channels are choosen in player options (2.0 instead of 5.1)

    But therefore some 2.0 stereo Videos from Amazon Prime sounds strange, i have to "play around" with the audio track and toggle the bitstream output on/off if occurs.

    - DLNA/UPNP often not working (not found), even after some time and after restart. I had to play with the "waiting for network on boot" switch, works perfectly fine now, although boot time did NOT increase after toggle on. Must be a bug.

    - integrated WLAN does not work, because it is a cheap edition with the non-supported WLAN chip. I had a few spare parts of Realtek Wifi Nano Adapter, which are not compatible with Win10 and therefore useless for most cases. They work fine, and there is even another wifi stick waiting for my second player in the sleeping room arriving on christmas.

    I won't upgrade the system until late beta or RTM, because everything works fine for me now.

    BTW: Don't you have any donation option?