Posts by Fluchangle

    There's nothing in the log to suggest why it's disconnecting. You could up the tracing by altering the verb setting to 4 or 5 in settings/debug. I'd guess it was a server side problem though given the other comments and the fact that the settings work on other

    How do i go about doing that?

    I have been trying switching servers and every one I try has the same issue. IP Vanish says the same thing as you (cant find the problem) but of course they lay it on the apps doorstep.

    Thanks again. I really appreciate the help!

    Having problems recently with OpenVPN randomly disconnecting and reconnecting. Seems to have gotten worse in the past few days. Can I post the debug log here fos some advice on how to fix? Using IPVanish.

    Im still pretty new but happy to try and follow directions/helpful instructions.