Posts by oJPTo


    I just installed a fresh LE 11 on Raspberry 3B+.

    Now I wanted to try my DVB-T/DVB-C USB stick: Terratec CINERGY TC2 Stick

    But it doesn't work.

    I already tried on my PC, where I had to fetch dvb-usb-it9303-01.fw, dvb-demod-si2168-b40-01.fw, dvb-usb-terratec-htc-stick-drxk.fw, dvb-demod-si2168-02.fw from OpenElec Github repo.

    on the PC it does not work either, because the Si2157 "device is buggy" and it does not load the firmware.

    is here someone who supports making it work?

    I am currently building mainline kernel to check if a newer kernel helps.

    The errors shown below look like what I was getting on my PC when the firmware wasn't installed yet. But here there are no requests for firmware?

    The chips used are:

    ITE IT9306, Silicon Labs Si2157 ("device is buggy") and Si2168-B40



    PS. tried putting the firmware in /storage/.config/firmware but this did not change anything. Why doesn't it load the firmware?

    ah, thanks.
    Well, I usually trust in those great open source projects and don't read release notes ;)

    The devel build has the same issue on my Raspy4

    I just tried pause as well... pausing and waitung for a minute does not change anything. only full stop then restart at the last postition. to me this looks like a leak in the code somewhere.

    For my Raspy3 I will go back to 9.2

    I found a difference.

    when it starts lagging the cpu usage of kodi.bin suddenly doubles from 25% to 50%

    I believe it somehow loses timing. it tries to play the video as fast as possible instead of realtime.


    I am watching tons of videos in FullHD H264 from german ARD mediathek

    All of them start lagging after about 20 to 30 minutes of playback. I then stop and restart the video.

    With lagging I mean the picture is stuttering and audio is out of sync.

    H265 works fine.

    any idea?

    Raspy4B 2G

    OpenElec 10, (doesn't show the version?!)

    latest bootloader and USB firmware

    original power supply, 42 °C under load

    There is no obvious difference in bcmstat when playback stutters or when it doesn't.

    btw, my Raspy3B suddenly started to lag with H265 videos (handbrake) which it didn't before. while H264 works fine (original power supply, too).

    Maybe since upgrade from 9.2 to 10?

    I used a Raspy1 for a year before, which did fine with H264 but always crashed with H265.


    ps. there is something odd, why does it show only 1 gig of Memory?

    I already described my problem here:

    March 29, 2022 at 4:00 PM

    But as I did not get any answers I want to try a more general approach.

    How exactly does a new USB HID device become a new input device for Kodi?

    And how can I find out what exactly is happening?

    In the meantime I figured out that

    - all devices appear in LSUSB (Mouse, F10 Deluxe, F10 Pro)

    - but only F10 Pro makes it to log entries in debug kodi.log (maybe because it delivers sound in- and output and joystick? see log below)

    - mouse and F10 Pro work, F10 deluxe doesn't but did earlier

    I found this:

    but it's rather IR focused, so it does not help much.

    Not sure: does ALL input go through eventlirc or only IR?

    how do I debug Eventlirc?

    thank you very much


    I used my Mele F10 Deluxe for years. Currently on a Rasperry 3B running LibreElec 9.2

    It does not work any more, no idea why. from dmesg:

    Now, is there any way to find out what exactly went wrong? Why isn't there a syslog?

    I did experiment a bit, but I do not remember changing anything on the above system, see below:

    I temporarly needed a second player and set up LibreElec 9.2 on a Raspberry 1B. Now I also needed a remote, because this TV does NOT support CEC.
    I bought a used Mele F10 Pro only to realize this got a completely different key layout and is missing the BACK button.

    I experimented with .kodi/userdata/keymaps but this did not help.

    I switched remotes but the F10 Deluxe did not work at all on the Raspberry 1B.

    I switched back and now it doesn't work on the Raspberry 3 any more, too.

    Any idea?

    ps. is there a way to monitor keypresses?



    I bought a Mele F10 Pro because it was used and cheap. ;)

    On the Mele F10 Deluxe there is a back button to the top right of the central circle.

    On the Mele F10 Pro this is instead the right mouse button.

    Not having a back button is a pain in the arse.

    What I do not understand:

    if I simply use a wireless mouse, the right mouse button works as both, back and context menu depending on where you click.

    I already tried the Keymap Editor Addon, but I just don't get it. Assigning is somehow the other way round than the keymap file? It does not receive the mouse-right-click so it just doesn't do anything.

    I tried this, but it doesn't work. Do I have to set this for every page not "global" alone?



    In case anybody is interested:

    You can open the case and solder a serial connector.

    How to Open Tronsmart Vega S89 (Elite) and Access the Serial Console

    Connect to your PC, switch on and immediately press enter to interrupt auto boot. (timeout is 1 or zero)

    More or less bricked my Orbsmart. Tried to boot your Libreelec kernel of build 821. But the kernel doesn't boot. Do I need some params?

    do you have any suggestion how to write the Libreelec system into rom? It's a squashfs archive. I cannot write this into /dev/block/system directly?


    Still trying.

    The images are meant to flash with windows software? Tells "parse burning iamge fail". img files don't look like official android update imgs!

    The zip files are meant to be installed through recovery update? Don't work either. Unzips to /tmp/ but to me it looks like it does not start the update script.

    how do you install the tar files?

    any help would be appreciated

    Excuse me, could anybody give a hint how to load the LibreElec builds into ROM on my Orbsmart S82?

    TWRP-k200 doesn't work. Android ROM Manager Apps all fail. Windows program doesn't load the libreelec images. stock recovery only does a factory reset.

    If I use DD to write KERNEL into BOOT and copy the files from SYSTEM-squashfs into SYSTEM-ext4-partition... will that work?



    Iv'e got the Orbsmart S82 and I cannot find a way to flash libreelec.

    TWRP k200 does not boot. (installed with DD)

    All those ROM apps just crash or don't do anything.

    Tried one of the Windows programs to flash, did not accept the file formats of libreelec download.

    So how the hell do you flash libreelec?

    I could flash SYSTEM into SYSTEM and KERNEL into boot using DD. But if this fails the box will be bricked.

    btw. did any of you succeed in opening the case? Maybe theres some serial line anywhere?



    I would like to install libreelec to my Orbsmart S82.

    I already installed TWRP but I cannot boot TWRP.

    I did not find a software for flashing from windows. (except amlogic which did not accept any of the images you provide)

    Could you give directions on how to install libreelec?

    I will try ADB or a terminal app for image backup... and maybe for installation as well. Which image format should I use for installation via dd?
