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LibreELEC:~ # grep gpu_mem /flash/config.txt
# SDRAM size based GPU memory split, uncomment and setup to override 'gpu_mem'
LibreELEC:~ #
The gpu_mem_xxx options have precedence over gpu_mem, so your 320 setting will be ignored.
However you should get 256M on a Pi2/Pi3 (which has 1024M total) and 160M on Pi1 (with 512M total).
Are you using a Pi1, Pi2 or Pi3?
I'd suggest you comment out (insert a # at the start of line) the gpu_mem_256, gpu_mem_512 gpu_mem_1024 lines, and just insert "gpu_mem=256" at the end of the file.
You can run (after rebooting):
vcgencmd get_mem arm
vcgencmd get_mem gpu
to confirm the setting has worked.