I'm using libreelec 8.2.5 and TVheadend Version: 8.2.112.
I used the wizard to scan assign all services.
But some channels don't open o have the error attached.
Somebody can help me to see what are causing it?
2018-06-12 21:50:51.768 [ NOTICE] subscription: 0051: No input source available for subscription "HTTP" to channel "Sport TV 1 HD"
2018-06-12 21:50:51.768 [WARNING] webui: Couldn't start streaming /stream/channelid/213084192?ticket=49E0750FC038D00768C8065631F3EA08305C198A&profile=pass, Invalid service
2018-06-12 21:50:51.768 [ INFO] subscription: 0051: "HTTP" unsubscribing from "Sport TV 1 HD", hostname="", client="VLC/3.0.3 LibVLC/3.0.3"
2018-06-12 21:50:53.773 [ NOTICE] subscription: 0052: No input source available for subscription "HTTP" to channel "Sport TV 1 HD"
2018-06-12 21:50:53.773 [WARNING] webui: Couldn't start streaming /stream/channelid/213084192?ticket=49E0750FC038D00768C8065631F3EA08305C198A&profile=pass, Invalid service
2018-06-12 21:50:53.773 [ INFO] subscription: 0052: "HTTP" unsubscribing from "Sport TV 1 HD", hostname="", client="VLC/3.0.3 LibVLC/3.0.3"
2018-06-12 21:50:53.779 [ INFO] mpegts: 12245.34H in Rede DVB-S - tuning on Montage Technology M88RS6000 #1 : DVB-S #0
2018-06-12 21:50:54.088 [ INFO] capmt: tvheadend: Starting CAPMT server for service "Sport TV 1 HD" on adapter 1
2018-06-12 21:50:54.088 [ INFO] subscription: 0053: "HTTP" subscribing on channel "Sport TV 1 HD", weigh: 100, adapter: "Montage Technology M88RS6000 #1 : DVB-S #0", network: "Rede DVB-S", mux: "12245.34H", provider: "SID Sport TV 1 HD", service: "Sport TV 1 HD", profile="pass", hostname="", client="VLC/3.0.3 LibVLC/3.0.3"
2018-06-12 21:51:04.076 [WARNING] subscription: 0053: service instance is bad, reason: No input detected
2018-06-12 21:51:04.076 [ INFO] mpegts: 12245.34H in Rede DVB-S - tuning on Montage Technology M88RS6000 #0 : DVB-S #0
2018-06-12 21:51:04.386 [ INFO] capmt: tvheadend: Starting CAPMT server for service "Sport TV 1 HD" on adapter 0
2018-06-12 21:51:04.386 [ INFO] subscription: 0053: "HTTP" subscribing on channel "Sport TV 1 HD", weigh: 100, adapter: "Montage Technology M88RS6000 #0 : DVB-S #0", network: "Rede DVB-S", mux: "12245.34H", provider: "SID Sport TV 1 HD", service: "Sport TV 1 HD", profile="pass", hostname="", client="VLC/3.0.3 LibVLC/3.0.3"
2018-06-12 21:51:08.754 [ INFO] subscription: 0053: "HTTP" unsubscribing from "Sport TV 1 HD", hostname="", client="VLC/3.0.3 LibVLC/3.0.3"
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