If you wanted a specific kernel patch from LE, you could pick it from here and rebuild the Ubuntu kernel with it applied. Same goes for Kodi. I agree with Chewitt though, nobody is going to do this for you so if you don't know how to do it already then it won't get done. You think installing services on LE is painful, yet you think making some kind of LE/Ubuntu Frankenstein distro would be an easier route? Does not compute for me
Your time would be better spent learning how to create packages for the services you need and integrating it into LE.
Interesting there's some kind of pattern here, although i'm not sure exactly how you figured out i was asking someone to do that for me.
Anyways i will not use the current mainline kernel so i'm happy to stick with the same one LE is using on my devices (s805/s905), also doing some arm uboot/dtb stuff is quite a breeze of fresh air so i don't mind.
As far as your frankenstein reference goes, one could say exactly the same of LE compared to almost anything else linux, yes ? 
As i mentioned above, i already have an OE image doing what i described initially and that involved making approx 60 packages/addons including dependencies, all of it not required by LE and becoming then completely unmanageable in a modern linux headless server sense.
So yeah i know what kind of work adding packages/addons to LE is and i'd much rather spend my time moving away from LE while keeping what's best from my favorite LE fork (kernel / kodi hardware support), than turning LE into something it's not, on that we all agree i believe.
Maybe that'll explain my motivation a little better.
back to the topic, i imagine i should not forget to use patches and configurations from the projects directory for my device, right ?
One thing i'm still looking at is how to generate a list of all the packages that would be included in a specific project build, for example following PKG_ARCH is certainly too wide..
So that i can also make sure that critical packages are present in my target distro.
thank you for your comments.