Display More1) Download the image file
2) Download the device tree file
3) Download the LibreElec USB-SD creator
4) Plugin the SD or USB flash drive in your computer
5) Run the LibreElec USB-SD creator (step #3):
- a) select the image file (step #1)
- b) select the path of the SD or USB flash drive plugged in (step #4)
- c) click write image
- d) at the end of the process the USB/SD card will be recognized by your operating system and you will be able to navigate into the USB/SD drive
6) Rename the device tree file (step #2) in dtb.img
7) Navigate into the USB/SD folders (step #5-d) and overwrite the dtb.img file with the file renamed in the step #6
8.) Unplug the SD/USB drive from your computer
9) If you are using the USB flash drive, plug in on the first USB port from the top of your Mecool device
10) Unplug the Mecool box's power supply cord
11) In the front of your Mecool box you will see a tiny push button. With a toothpick push it and keep it pushed.
12) Reconnect the power supply
13) After ~30sec the LibreElec logo will be displayed on your TV. Release the push button (step #11)
Every time that the USB/SD card (created with this procedure) is plugged in your box, LibreElec will run automatically (you don't need to push the button again).
To run your android system, just unplug the USB/SD card from your box.
If you want to install permanently LibreElec in your box, follow the guide
uhhhhmmmm I don't know how to 5) "run the USB creator" ...... 😞 Clearly LibreElec is over my head and i should stick to using the Android Kodi that will work on my Mecool M8S Pro Plus. Thank you for trying to help a noob! 😬