Try the one which works with your SD card. It should be the same.
What are the error messages with the script?
Try the one which works with your SD card. It should be the same.
What are the error messages with the script?
Do you want windows and kodi, then download kodi from kodi. TV and install it.
If you want only kodi then go to librelec and choose x86 generic and build a USB stick from which you can install it. Beware you will erase all data.
Try a build from here
This contains a newer (not lts ) kernel and maybe it will be enough for ryzen apu
this build has banned addons. Use the one from
Running from an Sdcard is just as good, it's hidden, it won't brick your device if things mess up and it's easy to install to.
There is not a single negative to running from an Sdcard except of course having to spend 5 euros.
If you have the knowledge you can add the script yourself without having to make your own build and install to internal and if you can do that then I think you deserve to be able to run from internal
Hi GDPR-2 I think you misunderstood me. I am not concerned in spending a few extra bucks. All I wanted to know is if I am able to update my Boxes which run from emmc to newer Builds.
It was unclear to me if you only remove the script (which is no problem for me) or if you remove the emmc Code to adresse EMMC storage at all, which would mean I brick my devices in updating.
I like it better to donate from time to time some money to kodi/libreelec/ special devs than buying things which is not 100% necessary at the moment.
For new installs I will use SD cards.
Now I have a master USB Stick from which I installed all Boxes with identical Settings / netflix and Amazon shortcuts. Yeah I know I can clone this stick to SD cards. But everything is running fine
advantage is that I dont have to buy SD cards for my 8 devices.
Every SD card is about 10€, the devices costs are at 30€.
If I have to I will buy some, but its nice to use the space which is there without additional hardware.
Thanks anyway for these great community builds
therefore the change to remove "installtointernal" does not affect me?
I was concernend that the emmc driver gets removed.
Therefore this change only applies to "new" installs, not updates?
Can i Update a LE Version which is already installed to internal ?
Say if there is a working 8.90.5 in emmc and in future I want 8.90.6 or official 9.0?
Or do I have to restore Android and buy Sd cards ?
Here are the config files for the following three devices:
Yokotv KB1:yokotv.txt
Khadas VIM1:khadas.txt
Sunvell T95X:sunvell.txt
remove the .txt and add the file to rc_maps.cfg
for Sunvell and yokotv add this
EDIT: I have been noticed, that it is necessary to change the files from Windows to Linux Encoding:
editing in Notepad++ and change EOL to Unix (Edit menu).
Thanks cabal2k ,
its working for me with "default:CARD=UD301".
Do you know which file this addons starts? Is it storage/.kodi/addons/ ?
Because if I open Chrome with Sandmanns Amazon Video Plugin I still dont get Sound.
It works with LE 9(pre Alpha) e.g. Milhouse Builds for x86.
There you can use amazon prime (tested in germany)
Hi olehenrikj
Thanks for your Addon.
I have moved yesterday from Ubuntu16 with Kodi to LE9 and used your chrome Version, but I dont get any sound
For Kodi i use a USB DAC. I noticed i cant specify in chrome a sound source (freetext), in which annotation is this used?
Something like hw:0,1 ?
there is a chrome addon somewhere, which is working with Amazon.
will give this a try tonight, because chromium crashes every time on amazon prime with a snap error message.
Lets see how chrome behaves