Posts by i3laze

    I've got Wetek Play 2 and faced with an issue: remote key codes were totally remapped in LE9.0, and, moreover, several keys represented as obc255:

    DEBUG: HandleKey: 0 (0x00, obc255) pressed, action is

    Here's a tiny fix to make these keys, like * (KEY_FAVORITES), work in KeyMap Editor.

    Create a custom Lircmap.xml (vi /storage/.kodi/userdata/Lircmap.xml):

      <remote device="devinput">

    It re-binds malfunctioning keys to some basic XBMC keys, which exist in Kodi.

    Got passive-3D LG TV and both 1080p Half-OU and Half-SBS .mkv content is detected and playing just fine.. unless I stop playback/disable 3D.

    Right then my LG TV (either through Onkyo receiver or direct HDMI) goes blank “No signal” screen, but Kodi remains responsive (GUI sounds and SSH).

    If I set Kodi Settings to disable 3D on stop, TV switches back to non-3D mode, then says "no signal":


    If I set Kodi Settings to remain in 3D on stop, sometimes I've got just black screen and log output in left top corner freezes, then again "no signal" after 15 sec.

    Same happens, when I pause a movie, go to 3D settings and just switch On and then Off 3D mode:


    Same action with component-specific debug enabled (FFmpeg, Video, libCEC):


    Have to SSH and reboot every time.:/

    Any extra steps suggested?

    First make sure you restarted Kodi or rebooted since you updated, then check for updates in Kodi add-on manager, or update the Mono, Radarr and Sonarr add-ons to version 9.0.x.

    If this does not fix your problem then specify your LibreELEC project (Generic, RPi, RPi2, etc), the versions of the Mono, Radarr and Sonarr add-ons, and provide the output of journalctl -u service.radarr

    Same here after updating WeTek Play 2 from 8.2.1 RTM to LibreELEC 9.0.

    Mono package was stated as installed, but actually missing in the system:

    Feb 03 21:35:53 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Started Sonarr.
    Feb 03 21:35:54 LibreELEC sh[15605]: nice: can't execute 'mono': No such file or directory
    Feb 03 21:35:54 LibreELEC systemd[1]: service.sonarr.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=127/n/a
    Feb 03 21:35:54 LibreELEC systemd[1]: service.sonarr.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

    Luckily package manager on uninstall now proposes to save add-on files and settings for later use.

    I did uninstall all dependent add-ons (Jackett, Mono.Tools, e.t.c), but now can’t get mono installed. Thoradia mono tools misses the dependency with message:

    “tools.mono v0.0.0 not found”

    My current Thoradia.addons is v9.0.17.

    Manual repo refresh didn’t help.

    Somehow, Mono aarch64 .zip (for ODroid) was failing to install on my WeTek Play 2. No package install logs, sorry.

    Although is now up and running just fine. Jackett has updated to 9.x successfully.

    Unfortunately the Jackett is coming out of the air and only comes back to normal when you reinstall the service.

    Just found out that myself.

    Please, temporary disable auto-update in WebGUI right after service reinstall.

    Seems we've got Mono outdated: Jackett now requires MonoDB 5.8 since v0.9.6.


    LibreELEC:~ # mono /storage/.kodi/addons/service.jackett/Jackett/JackettConsole.exe 
    07-20 19:09:11 Info Starting Jackett 
    07-20 19:09:11 Info Environment version: 4.0.30319.42000 (/storage/.kodi/addons/tools.mono/lib/mono/4.5) 
    07-20 19:09:11 Info OS version: Unix (64bit OS) (64bit process) 
    07-20 19:09:11 Info ThreadPool MaxThreads: 400 workerThreads, 200 completionPortThreads 
    07-20 19:09:11 Info App config/log directory: /storage/.config/Jackett 
    07-20 19:09:11 Info issue: ############################################## 
    07-20 19:09:11 Info mono version: (tarball Sat Nov 11 04:32:02 GMT 2017) 
    07-20 19:09:11 Error A minimum Mono version of 5.8 is required. Please update to the latest version from 

    Vanilla v0.8.22 is currently useless for me, cause I require a proxy setting - it was implemented later.

    Also, Jackett indexers are now outdated - they seem to get updated during Jackett update only.

    Here goes Homebridge in Docker on LE! Wetek Play2 (aarch64).

    Running smoothly <3

    Uses just 40Mb RAM and 350Mb space.

    1. Install repo from official LE repository.
    2. Install Portainer and Docker add-ons (or Install just Docker and use SSH way).
    3. Open Portainer WebUI: http://ip:9000/ and setup an admin account.
    4. Our Homebridge container will use own avahi-daemon (Bonjour/Zeroconf) which will conflict with LibreElec’s one used for AirPlay. We should create a Docker ‘macvlan’ network to emulate a container as a separate device on the LAN:

    (change values according to your own LAN settings)

    • Networks - Add Network
    • Name: macvlan
    • Subnet: (should be your actual LAN subnet)
    • Gateway: (should be your actual gateway)
    • Driver: macvlan
    • Add driver option, name: parent value: eth0
    • Create network.
    or SSH way

    docker network create -d macvlan --subnet= --gateway= -o parent=eth0 macvlan

    5. Build the container (I specified raspberry-pi branch for aarch64, Wetek Play 2) :

    • Containers - Add container
    • name: homebridge
    • image name: oznu/homebridge:raspberry-pi
    • Advanced Network - Network: macvlan then manually set some IPv4 address:
    • Advanced Env - add env variable, name: HOMEBRIDGE_CONFIG_UI value: 1
    • Advanced Restart policy: Always
    • Deploy the container (first time it will take 2-3 minutes).
    or SSH way

    docker run --net=macvlan --ip --env HOMEBRIDGE_CONFIG_UI='1' --name=homebridge oznu/homebridge:raspberry-pi

    6. Your Homebridge should be running by now and accessible using admin:admin via

    For console debugging you can run ‘docker start homebridge -a’ via SSH.