Posts by elrd

    I am only familiar with the Raspberri Pi interface, but one thing that comes to mind .... when you say you installed the MythTv PVR, was it a client you installed? (was it under a client menu?) Then I would say you have the client, but not the backend server, which the client needs. The backend can be on the same machine, if it can be installed on that machine, and the machine is powerful enough to support both front end and back end at the same time.

    I use the tvheadend PVR.

    I have installed and run mythtv before, but never tried to get it to recognize a capture card. Mythtv uses mysql, which sometimes does not gracefully start at first depending on machine and installation.

    I have tried various combinations of fonts I found on line, with provided character sets. Sometimes I notice where an accented character belongs, the character is missing (that is a little promising). But I still can't get this to work. I have managed to get the upside down exclamation point sometimes, but that is as far as I could get. Could this be related to the "character sets", and if so, how do I add other character sets?

    Thank you for your suggested test.

    I did try VLC after you suggested it, and the captions were fine with all the diacriticals (thanks for the good terminology).

    I also tried streaming real time, using the TVHClient app on android, to stream a channel from TVHeadEnd on the Libreelec system to VLC on android, and the subtitles were also fine. It is only when I play it on Libreelec, that all the diacriticals go away. I don't recall if I also tried playing a recording via "Video" menu rather than "Recordings" menu. I tried various combinations of language/character set , all with the same results. It could maybe be something I don't have configured properly, or maybe about the TVH client that is running on Libreelec?

    I may be asking the obvious here, but I seem to be having trouble with closed caption or subtitles for Spanish text. When viewing a spanish station, I can get the closed caption, but there is no punctuation with it (accent marks, upside down question mark). On a regular tv viewing the same program, I can get the punctuation. I have set the language options for subtitles, but I don't think that has to do with the close caption anyway.

    I am running Libreelec with TvHeadEnd on Raspberry Pi.

    Any advice? Thanks.

    Available on Leia test build, maybe Krypton, as I did not try for that, I am able to change the tempo playback speed while maintaining voice pitch of a video using <ALT> arrow keys (I think that was the key I used). The maximum speed is 1.5x, the minimum is .8x. Is there a parameter than can be changed to reduce the minimum speed?

    Thanks for any feedback

    Thank you for the "dmesg" suggestion. I did try to do that and tailing other logs but nothing obvious. I believe it was a power issue, but curious I did not see any lightning bolt on my screen which helps indicate not enough power.

    I purchased an inexpensive powered USB hub with great reviews. At first, this did not help, but I noticed it could back feed power (from reviewing blogs about it, this is not too uncommon for lower priced powered hubs?). I also noticed, using a current meter, that sometimes it would try to take power from the Pi, and not the power feed. After testing with an extension USB cable, and cutting the voltage line to prevent back feed power, or power draw from the computer, everything seemed to work just fine. I tried to find a data only usb cable (no power lines) to isolate the power, but did not find one yet.

    I have a LibreELEC 8 build on a Raspberry PI3 I got a WD Easystore external drive to connect externally via USB cable. Everything seemed to work just fine, but if the drive sits idle for say 10 to 20 minutes, it seems to get lost. I am not sure, but I think the drive is spinning down (probably the drive itself doing that), but then the system can't seem to use it anymore. It just seems like it keeps cycling in some attempt to get going again, but nothing will work with the drive unless I reboot.

    Just hoping someone might have something to say, despite the lack of details I can provide right now,



    Also - you could start at LE 8 - install the tvheadend addons (service and pvr client) then do the Milhouse update - it should update the addons automatically at that point.

    That worked. Thanks.

    (Update 8/7/2017)... I still see dependency issues for updates on the TVheadend client and backend. Having issues with recording and subtitles. Once I learn a little more about how logs work, I guess I can try and correspond to the test build thread. I am happy though, that I can get something running on recent builds and learn more on what I need to do, and/or contribute to debugging issues.

    If you want to run the Milhouse alpha builds - you can install the standard 8.0.2 release - then use the instructions on the Milhouse builds post to upgrade to his latest build. Those build have moved away from including the media_build drivers - but you can enable them in the LibreELEC settings.

    Once you do that and reboot you will have the driver for the dual tuners.

    Thank you, still trying to debug. I could not use the "install from zip file (add-ons->installfromzip) " for tvh2kodi, but could do it if I used the search addons (addons->search), then just exit, and use resulting menu for "install from zip file" (I guess that is the add-on browser menu. So I got the tvh2kodi in there.

    I think the problem I am having now is the TVheadon HTSP Client, when updating says "the dependency on xbmc codec version 1.01 could not be satisfied"

    Finally - if you want to work off the main LE repo for your builds...the patch is included in branches 8.2 as well as master.

    And if you want to live cutting edge alpha software without compiling yourself - just download the milhouse builds from LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 18.0)

    I did this using the update folder method. First was your img from post 100, then this update. Somewhat worked, but I saw several dependency issues, and videos also would not play.

    I don't think I can apply the Milhouse builds as an update to your post 100?, they seem to want a "working system" before updating. If I get an official one (no building myself), will the patch be in the kernel?

    Thanks for replies leading_edjge and edit4ever! So far, build I tried from post 100 (edit4ever) seems pretty stable (I actually did not apply the "updates" , though I did some updates on-line via interface. I understand now that the updates directory is for manual updates. I ran into a little trouble after trying to create a profile on the tvheadon web page. tvh2kodi had some trouble configuring the default profile. Deleting my new profile seemed to solve everything. The tvh2kodi seem like a great way to interface with tvheadon.

    The epg OTA data is interesting. All channels have the main titles of the programming. Only some channels get the plot/description and seem very stable. I know some that are missing do exist for the channel, but they don't appear.

    But later I noticed some of the channels that seem not to have the description/plot, actually do! If I scroll around, sometimes I see it appear in a quick flash on the screen, but it immediately disappears again less than a second later. Sometimes flashes once then stays missing, or flashes on and off, but is 90% off (not there). So I know it was there. Curious.

    OK, thank you! I did finally get this to work using your img from the dropbox (post #100).

    I used the linux dd method to write the image to the SD flash card. I wanted to do it with noobs, by copying to the /os directory, but I did not seem to be getting that correct.

    I could not find the tvh2kodi via the add on repositories (should have I been able to find that?). I found a zip file online at github (with your ID) and loaded it via ssh login from another machine.

    I only so far activated one tuner, but I do see both available. The TV viewing works great. I see some tv guide information, but still not sure if that is coming from OTA or internet. The plots do not seem to show up for some reason, only titles.

    Recording says started, but then immediately says completed, but I guess that is another issue all together.

    I think I would still like to learn how to compile this. I was stuck on how to pick up the patch files. I could see them with git hub, but was not clear how to retrieve them (not the entire distribution which is easy to do).

    Thanks for a sense of accomplishment. Most certainly faster than compiling. Will continue trying to figure out the rest of this.

    The latest patch add hauppauge patch · CvH/ · GitHub will solve the dual tuner problem on ATSC and DVB-C/T/T2. Any solution on the ATSC will fix problems on the DVB-C/T/T2 and visa versa. A Hauppauge engineer is evaluating this patch and will work on it to submit it to the mainline of a future Linux kernel

    I just got a Raspberry Pi 3, and trying to get the dual tuner (model 15950 to work with ATSC).

    There are a lot of references to retrieving patches, but It's not clear to me how to pull down the patch files.

    I am far more familiar with svn than git, though I have tried various git commands to get the desired patch files, and also looked at the web page links (like clicking on the patch link above). Also, after I figure how to get the patch files, can they all sit in the same directory I make for holding them (them patch files). Thanks. (I have compiled kernels before, though as Linux has become so much more friendly, and there is so much module support, I have not done so for a while).