Posts by olze

    I probably forgot to mention: when i use the odroid n2 instead of the rpi5, all works fine (power on/power off of everything), so the other devices work as expected. Not sure what coreelec uses or if there are even any alternatives to libCEC (probably not?).

    I will try this 10 minutes tea thing and make a little pray ;)

    cec client mode is set to "Wiedergabegerät" (replay device?), i assume/hope thats correct.

    IIRC it hasn't worked for my configuration to shutdown KODI via TV off in LE12.

    I am now at LE12 and it also does not work on my side. But not sure if i have everything configured correctly. Can you tell me whats this client cec mode is? output of cec-client, if it helps in any way. And you are correct about your guess, my TV is the "root", then the AVR, then all other devices e.g. rpi5, nintendo switch, pc etc. on the avr hdmi ports

    Guess i can not help you in any way e.g. providing any data or so? Unfortunately, CEC is a killer feature for me :-/
    Guess i have to go back to amlogic and coreelec then :-/

    Unfortunately, at least in nightly, the settings are somehow not saved. What i was able to achieve is that when i poweroff the rpi in the menu, the tv turns off too. But when i power on the TV, nothing happens with the rpi. When i power off the TV, also nothing happens with the rpi. I checked the settings and noticed, that after a restart, most of them are set back to default, e.g. i configured its connected to TV / AVR, but when i reboot, it states only TV, which is wrong. I assume thats the reason why its not working.

    I will test maybe this evening or tomorrow how LE12 behaves.

    Click at Settings -> System -> Input -> Peripherals -> CEC Adapter to setup the AVR behavior.

    You listed that already as second posting and thats where i was from the beginning, see my initial posting.

    Unfortunately, it does not change the behaviour, as i dont know how i should configure all those settings.

    Its german, so i try to translate those entries: report kodi as primary source: checked, hdmi port number 1 and 2 (both cec adapters are configured in the same way, atm 2), wake up device when screen saver is deactivated checked, connected with hdmi-device: av-receiver, activated: checked, wake up av receiver when kodi gets activated: check, when powering off kodi report as inactive: checked, when poweroff kodi then explicit (avr + tv), on start of kodi explicit (avr+tv).

    I have the feeling this is just so hardcore broken, that it does not work at all. I thought i go to the other cec adapter settings for configuration to check if they are maybe swapped (e.g. the first cec adapter is for the second port) and noticed, they are equal in also using the hdmi port which makes the possibility to configure both useless, as its only possible to configure one hdmi port, because the other entry will have the exact same configuration (including the same hdmi port). I guess thats what HarryH meant.

    Is the first hdmi port close to the power supply HDMI port 1 or port 2?

    I replaced now the adapter with the cable and used the first port, close to the power supply, but still the same behaviour.

    I am not sure if this is a nightly-problem or also in the stable. For me, unfortunately, a killer. I will see if i can get a new SD card for testing and see what happens with latest stable.

    Oh wow, i was not aware of that. So its like a case which connects to the micro-hdmi-port and extends it to a full sized hdmi port? i have never seen something, but sounds very reasonable! thanks for that information! do you maybe have a link to such case?

    how should a RPI case change anything in my current situation? I need a new mini-hdmi adapter then. The mini-hdmi-adapter blocks the power port of the rpi5 when i use the adapter in the first hdmi slot. Or do you mean "cable" and that was a typo?

    I would love to use such an adapter but seems like its nearly impossible, they are much more expensive (in switzerland) than a cable itself... i ordered now…hz-mit-42870548 and hope that works.

    Unfortunately i must use the second hdmi port. I use a micro-hdmi-to-hdmi-adapter and this would overlap the power supply if i would use the first hdmi slot.

    So its broken atm in nightly and i assume nothing i can do. Just wondering why its not default like anyone would expect, e.g. when powering off the TV, power off the rpi5 and vice versa.

    Hi, i am running LE nightly on a fresh installed rpi5.

    All works like a charm except CEC. I had running an Odroid n2 before with coreelec and all works, so i assume the AV Receiver and the TV are configured properly. When i power off the rpi5 with the menu in LE, the TV powers off too but the AV receiver not. When i power off the TV, neither the rpi5 nor the AV receiver power off.

    Whats also a bit confusing: i have 2 CEC configuration entries like i would have 2 CEC Adapters. I configured both of them in the same way and maybe messed up a bit. Can anyone help me a bit here?


    2024-06-07 12:58:14.428 T:1244 info <general>: Register - new cec device registered on cec->/dev/cec0: CEC Adapter (0000:0000)
    2024-06-07 12:58:14.429 T:1244 info <general>: Register - new cec device registered on cec->/dev/cec1: CEC Adapter (0000:0000)

    Whats working: i can use the remote from the TV to navigate in LE, so CEC in general works.

    thanks, very useful information.

    udevil: denied 90: option 'force' is not an allowed option
    i assume i mis-configured it ;)

    changed force to "ro" and now it works at least for reading, but would be awesome if read-write would also somehow work but not sure if this is an option or some other special flag that must be passed to mount

    awesome, thanks!

    edit: somehow its not working, guess i do something wrong. i changed nano /storage/.config/udevil.conf from default_options_ntfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, fmask=0133, uid=$UID, gid=$GID to default_options_ntfs = force, nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, fmask=0133, uid=$UID, gid=$GID and tried a mount.ntfs /dev/sda1 /media, but i get the same error.

    when i mount it manually with force i get: /dev/sda1 on /var/media type ntfs3 (rw,relatime,uid=0,gid=0,force,iocharset=utf8)

    Think i encounter the same problem now. The external 4TB SSD works perfectly fine on coreelec, even it reports in dmesg that it is flagged "dirty". I guess thats just what happens when the system goes a lot in standby. For me thats unfortunately a killer. Any solution to that? Any way to "repair" the drive on libreelec? If not, guess i'll go with raspbian and install kodi and see if that works.

    edit: googling around a bit, i noticed it seems like that mounting RW is blocked by default when the drive is dirty, but RO always works. Thats ok for me (at least for now). mount /dev/sda1 /media -o ro

    Is there any way to tell libreelec to mount this device in RO? Or tell libreelec to use -o force? its a movie ssd, i dont care about broken/loss of data, it just has to work.