Posts by Test0815

    Don't compare RPi to Amlogic. RPi Foundation developers actively contribute to Kodi constantly squeezing more and more from this platform. On the other hand, everything Amlogic-related in Kodi has been developed by community developers who often had to reverse engineer Amlogic decoding pipeline.

    Well that's disappointing to read.

    I bought this board, because of wanting more power for and within Kodi.

    If this power is used as CPU Load because of lacking support of Amlogic,

    to have "not really much more power" instead of getting this power on the road...

    Amlogic should think about these companys building TV boxes and I think these are their main customer of their chips.

    If these boxes have less performance than a rpi2 but advertising them as Hardware monsters...

    without getting this power in OS/applications..

    The boxes are senseless, damned to be bricked after the customer experienced the difference to a rpi it...


    1.) Thank you for your work.

    2.) I experienced a average CPU load on S905x / Khadas VIM Pro of about 30 % KODI load.

    Running OSMC on Rasperry Pi 2 I have about 15%.

    I am having the same configuration on both.

    It seems that the Amlogic part is not fully HW decoding/playing... instead of the Broadcom part at Raspberry...

    So many parts needs to be made by the CPU taking performance...

    Is there a chance to benefit more from HW ?

    It is visible soon as the Kodi Home screen with active debuggin is enabled.

    No Video is beeing played...

    3.) After a while on playing back different videos and at different possition, I experienced a stuttering and de-sync of Audio...

    The logfile is saying only, that the CVideoPlayerAudio Process stream stalled.

    Part of the logfile attached...

    Thank you and kind regards
