is there a possibility to view presentations with pptx format?
If not, it would be nice if this functionality could be implemented.
is there a possibility to view presentations with pptx format?
If not, it would be nice if this functionality could be implemented.
Did you select the roms path from ES settings?or edit es_systems.cfg manually..looks like ES is not finding the roms folder..folders need to be named properly for each launcher..
Also by default ES only reads these formats for NDS .nds .zip .NDS .ZIP so if your roms are in any other format ES won't launch
Code<system> <name>nds</name> <fullname>Nintendo DS</fullname> <path>/var/media/HDD/Emulators/roms/nds</path> <extension>.nds .zip .NDS .ZIP</extension> <command>/storage/.kodi/addons/game.retroarch/addon.start drastic %ROM% ES</command> <platform>nds</platform> </system>
This is an example how mine looks
Thank you. I've found the mistake: /emulators/roms/*.nds instead of /emulators/roms/nds/*.nds
Does anyone know how to get started with the Gamestarter repository and DraStic NDS games?
After installing DraStic I got the message that you also need to install the Advanced Emulator Launcher or EmulationStation.
When I opened EmulationStation after installing it, the message "We can not find any systems" appeared.
What could this be and what do I have to do to correct this error? (I've already installed RetroArch and it works fine with GBA games)
is it possible the get this instructions (GitHub - RanzQ/hyperion-audio-effects: Hyperion audio effects dev kit using Gstreamer) work on LibreELEC?
If it does not work, which alternatives are there?
Display MoreBtw... We prefer log files being pastebin'd to a text/pastebin website.
LibreELEC has a built-in function for that. In the GUI and in SSH
The database connection has been initiated.
10:23:39.414 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos107
So something else is off.
No idea what this is about:
10:24:00.813 T:1751118752 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
Now the problem is solved. I've formatted the SD card and wrote a clean image on it.
In Addition to that i've deaktivated the WLAN of the raspberry pi, because it's connected to a LAN cable.
After that everything works fine.
part 2
# ... output of cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.old.log
# LibreELEC release: RPi2.arm-8.0.2
08:17:02.753 T:1962459136 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
08:17:02.753 T:1962459136 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
08:17:02.753 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Starting Kodi (17.3 Git:147cec4). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit
08:17:02.753 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x32 build (version for Raspberry Pi)
08:17:02.753 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Kodi compiled May 25 2017 by GCC 6.2.0 for Linux ARM 32-bit version 4.9.29 (264477)
08:17:02.753 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Running on LibreELEC (official) - Version: 8.0.2, kernel: Linux ARM 32-bit version 4.9.29
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: FFmpeg version/source: ffmpeg-3.1-kodi
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Host CPU: ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l), 4 cores available
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: ARM Features: Neon enabled
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /usr/share/kodi/
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/kodi
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: special://xbmcbinaddons/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/kodi/addons
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi/userdata
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: special://envhome/ is mapped to: /storage
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi/temp
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: special://logpath/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi/temp
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: The executable running is: /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Local hostname: LibreELEC
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Log File is located: /storage/.kodi/temp//kodi.log
08:17:02.754 T:1962459136 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
08:17:02.886 T:1962459136 ERROR: DBus: Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files
08:17:02.894 T:1962459136 NOTICE: load settings...
08:17:03.013 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found 2 Lists of Devices
08:17:03.013 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Enumerated PI devices:
08:17:03.013 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Device 1
08:17:03.013 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_deviceName : HDMI
08:17:03.013 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDMI
08:17:03.013 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
08:17:03.013 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_HDMI
08:17:03.013 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
08:17:03.013 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 8000,11025,16000,22050,24000,32000,44100,48000,88200,96000,176400,192000
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Device 2
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_deviceName : Analogue
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_displayName : Analogue
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 48000
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_S32LE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_FLOATP,AE_FMT_S32NEP,AE_FMT_S16NEP
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_streamTypes : No passthrough capabilities
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Device 3
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_deviceName : Both
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDMI and Analogue
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 48000
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_S32LE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_FLOATP,AE_FMT_S32NEP,AE_FMT_S16NEP
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_streamTypes : No passthrough capabilities
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Enumerated PULSE devices:
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Device 1
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_deviceName : Default
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_displayName : Default
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: Bluetooth Audio (PULSEAUDIO)
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 5512,8000,11025,16000,22050,32000,44100,48000,64000,88200,96000,176400,192000,384000
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_U8,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S24NE3,AE_FMT_S24NE4,AE_FMT_S32NE,AE_FMT_FLOAT
08:17:03.014 T:1962459136 NOTICE: m_streamTypes : No passthrough capabilities
08:17:03.035 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml
08:17:03.035 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Contents of special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml are...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
08:17:03.038 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://profile/advancedsettings.xml
08:17:03.038 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Contents of special://profile/advancedsettings.xml are...
08:17:03.038 T:1962459136 WARNING: VIDEO database configuration is experimental.
08:17:03.039 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Default Video Player: VideoPlayer
08:17:03.039 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
08:17:03.039 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
08:17:03.039 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Log level changed to "LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL"
08:17:03.040 T:1962459136 NOTICE: CMediaSourceSettings: loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
08:17:03.041 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
08:17:03.042 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
08:17:03.042 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
08:17:03.042 T:1962459136 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
08:17:04.230 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Running database version Addons27
08:17:04.995 T:1962459136 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.kodi.game
08:17:04.995 T:1962459136 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.libreelec.tv
08:17:04.995 T:1962459136 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xbmc.org
08:17:05.078 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Raspberry PI firmware version: May 15 2017 17:01:07
Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom
version 9469ea3706e34c4de62f38a5008f69a429b4b43e (clean) (release)
08:17:05.078 T:1962459136 NOTICE: ARM mem: 752MB GPU mem: 256MB MPG2:0 WVC1:0
08:17:05.078 T:1962459136 NOTICE: cache.memorysize: 20MB libass.cache: 0MB
08:17:05.078 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Config:
08:17:05.078 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Config:
08:17:05.078 T:1962459136 NOTICE: InitWindowSystem: Using EGL Implementation: raspberrypi
08:17:05.086 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 640 x 480 for display 0 with 640 x 480 @ 60.000000 Hz
08:17:05.086 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 640 x 480 for display 0 with 640 x 480 @ 59.940063 Hz
08:17:05.086 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 800 x 600 for display 0 with 800 x 600 @ 60.000000 Hz
08:17:05.086 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 800 x 600 for display 0 with 800 x 600 @ 59.940063 Hz
08:17:05.086 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024 x 768 for display 0 with 1024 x 768 @ 60.000000 Hz
08:17:05.086 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024 x 768 for display 0 with 1024 x 768 @ 59.940063 Hz
08:17:05.086 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 1024 for display 0 with 1280 x 1024 @ 60.000000 Hz
08:17:05.086 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 1024 for display 0 with 1280 x 1024 @ 59.940063 Hz
08:17:05.086 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 720 x 480 for display 0 with 720 x 480 @ 60.000000 Hz
08:17:05.086 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 720 x 480 for display 0 with 720 x 480 @ 59.940063 Hz
08:17:05.087 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 720 for display 0 with 1280 x 720 @ 60.000000 Hz
08:17:05.087 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 720 for display 0 with 1280 x 720 @ 59.940063 Hz
08:17:05.087 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 60.000000 Hz
08:17:05.087 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 59.940063 Hz
08:17:05.087 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 720 x 576 for display 0 with 720 x 576 @ 50.000000 Hz
08:17:05.087 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 720 for display 0 with 1280 x 720 @ 50.000000 Hz
08:17:05.087 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 50.000000 Hz
08:17:05.087 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 24.000000 Hz
08:17:05.087 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 23.976025 Hz
08:17:05.087 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Found ([email protected]) at 28, setting to RES_DESKTOP at 16
08:17:05.087 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Checking resolution 16
08:17:05.407 T:1962459136 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Broadcom
08:17:05.407 T:1962459136 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = VideoCore IV HW
08:17:05.407 T:1962459136 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES 2.0
08:17:05.407 T:1962459136 NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00
08:17:05.407 T:1962459136 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_EXT_debug_marker
08:17:06.374 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version Addons27
08:17:06.378 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes6
08:17:06.391 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version Textures13
08:17:06.449 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic60
08:17:06.478 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos107
08:17:06.483 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version TV29
08:17:06.488 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version Epg11
08:17:06.492 T:1962459136 NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection
08:17:06.496 T:1832907680 NOTICE: Register - new cec device registered on cec->RPI: CEC Adapter (2708:1001)
08:17:07.197 T:1962459136 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList"
08:17:07.634 T:1962459136 NOTICE: initialize done
08:17:07.634 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Running the application...
08:17:07.667 T:1962459136 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing
08:17:07.668 T:1962459136 NOTICE: CWebServer[8080]: Started
08:17:07.668 T:1962459136 NOTICE: starting upnp client
08:17:07.678 T:1669329824 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on port 9777
08:17:07.679 T:1669329824 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777 (ipv6 : true)
08:17:08.554 T:1753215904 WARNING: CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings
08:17:09.363 T:1744827296 NOTICE: [plugin.video.youtube] Startup: detected Krypton (Kodi-17.3), setting DASH_SUPPORT_BUILTIN = False, DASH_SUPPORT_ADDON = True
08:17:30.858 T:1874850720 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
08:17:34.673 T:1761604512 ERROR: Previous line repeats 6 times.
08:17:34.673 T:1761604512 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
08:17:34.674 T:1761604512 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:00
08:17:37.623 T:1874850720 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
08:17:37.624 T:1874850720 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:00
08:17:38.907 T:1761604512 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
08:17:38.907 T:1761604512 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:00
08:17:45.011 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
08:17:45.012 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Saving settings
08:17:45.096 T:1962459136 NOTICE: Saving skin settings
08:17:45.110 T:1962459136 NOTICE: stop all
08:17:45.111 T:1962459136 NOTICE: stop player
08:17:45.111 T:1962459136 NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server
08:17:45.846 T:1669329824 NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped
08:17:45.922 T:1962459136 NOTICE: stopping upnp
08:17:46.075 T:1962459136 NOTICE: stopping zeroconf publishing
08:17:46.082 T:1962459136 NOTICE: CWebServer[8080]: Stopped
08:17:46.082 T:1962459136 NOTICE: stop dvd detect media
08:17:48.009 T:1962459136 NOTICE: clean cached files!
08:17:48.414 T:1962459136 NOTICE: closing down remote control service
08:17:48.414 T:1962459136 NOTICE: stopped
08:17:48.615 T:1962459136 NOTICE: destroy
08:17:48.615 T:1962459136 NOTICE: unload skin
08:17:48.745 T:1962459136 NOTICE: unload sections
08:17:48.755 T:1962459136 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
08:17:48.758 T:1962459136 NOTICE: application stopped...
Display More
part 1
# ... output of cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
# LibreELEC release: RPi2.arm-8.0.2
10:23:37.203 T:1962557440 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
10:23:37.203 T:1962557440 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
10:23:37.203 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Starting Kodi (17.3 Git:147cec4). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit
10:23:37.203 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Using Release Kodi x32 build (version for Raspberry Pi)
10:23:37.203 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Kodi compiled May 25 2017 by GCC 6.2.0 for Linux ARM 32-bit version 4.9.29 (264477)
10:23:37.203 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Running on LibreELEC (official) - Version: 8.0.2, kernel: Linux ARM 32-bit version 4.9.29
10:23:37.203 T:1962557440 NOTICE: FFmpeg version/source: ffmpeg-3.1-kodi
10:23:37.203 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Host CPU: ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l), 4 cores available
10:23:37.204 T:1962557440 NOTICE: ARM Features: Neon enabled
10:23:37.204 T:1962557440 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /usr/share/kodi/
10:23:37.204 T:1962557440 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/kodi
10:23:37.204 T:1962557440 NOTICE: special://xbmcbinaddons/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/kodi/addons
10:23:37.204 T:1962557440 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi/userdata
10:23:37.204 T:1962557440 NOTICE: special://envhome/ is mapped to: /storage
10:23:37.204 T:1962557440 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi
10:23:37.204 T:1962557440 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi/temp
10:23:37.204 T:1962557440 NOTICE: special://logpath/ is mapped to: /storage/.kodi/temp
10:23:37.204 T:1962557440 NOTICE: The executable running is: /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin
10:23:37.204 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Local hostname: LibreELEC
10:23:37.204 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Log File is located: /storage/.kodi/temp//kodi.log
10:23:37.204 T:1962557440 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
10:23:37.332 T:1962557440 ERROR: DBus: Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files
10:23:37.340 T:1962557440 NOTICE: load settings...
10:23:37.455 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found 2 Lists of Devices
10:23:37.455 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Enumerated PI devices:
10:23:37.455 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Device 1
10:23:37.455 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_deviceName : HDMI
10:23:37.455 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDMI
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_HDMI
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 8000,11025,16000,22050,24000,32000,44100,48000,88200,96000,176400,192000
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Device 2
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_deviceName : Analogue
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_displayName : Analogue
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 48000
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_S32LE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_FLOATP,AE_FMT_S32NEP,AE_FMT_S16NEP
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_streamTypes : No passthrough capabilities
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Device 3
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_deviceName : Both
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_displayName : HDMI and Analogue
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra:
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 48000
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_FLOAT,AE_FMT_S32LE,AE_FMT_S16LE,AE_FMT_FLOATP,AE_FMT_S32NEP,AE_FMT_S16NEP
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_streamTypes : No passthrough capabilities
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Enumerated PULSE devices:
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Device 1
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_deviceName : Default
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_displayName : Default
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_displayNameExtra: Bluetooth Audio (PULSEAUDIO)
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_deviceType : AE_DEVTYPE_PCM
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_channels : FL,FR
10:23:37.456 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_sampleRates : 5512,8000,11025,16000,22050,32000,44100,48000,64000,88200,96000,176400,192000,384000
10:23:37.457 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_dataFormats : AE_FMT_U8,AE_FMT_S16NE,AE_FMT_S24NE3,AE_FMT_S24NE4,AE_FMT_S32NE,AE_FMT_FLOAT
10:23:37.457 T:1962557440 NOTICE: m_streamTypes : No passthrough capabilities
10:23:37.479 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml
10:23:37.479 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Contents of special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml are...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
10:23:37.482 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Loaded settings file from special://profile/advancedsettings.xml
10:23:37.482 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Contents of special://profile/advancedsettings.xml are...
10:23:37.482 T:1962557440 WARNING: VIDEO database configuration is experimental.
10:23:37.484 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Default Video Player: VideoPlayer
10:23:37.484 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
10:23:37.484 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
10:23:37.484 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Log level changed to "LOG_LEVEL_NORMAL"
10:23:37.484 T:1962557440 NOTICE: CMediaSourceSettings: loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
10:23:37.485 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
10:23:37.486 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
10:23:37.486 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
10:23:37.487 T:1962557440 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
10:23:37.596 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Running database version Addons27
10:23:37.775 T:1962557440 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.kodi.game
10:23:37.775 T:1962557440 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.libreelec.tv
10:23:37.775 T:1962557440 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xbmc.org
10:23:37.851 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Raspberry PI firmware version: May 15 2017 17:01:07
Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom
version 9469ea3706e34c4de62f38a5008f69a429b4b43e (clean) (release)
10:23:37.851 T:1962557440 NOTICE: ARM mem: 752MB GPU mem: 256MB MPG2:0 WVC1:0
10:23:37.851 T:1962557440 NOTICE: cache.memorysize: 20MB libass.cache: 0MB
10:23:37.851 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Config:
10:23:37.851 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Config:
10:23:37.851 T:1962557440 NOTICE: InitWindowSystem: Using EGL Implementation: raspberrypi
10:23:37.853 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 640 x 480 for display 0 with 640 x 480 @ 60.000000 Hz
10:23:37.853 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 640 x 480 for display 0 with 640 x 480 @ 59.940063 Hz
10:23:37.853 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 800 x 600 for display 0 with 800 x 600 @ 60.000000 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 800 x 600 for display 0 with 800 x 600 @ 59.940063 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024 x 768 for display 0 with 1024 x 768 @ 60.000000 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 1024 x 768 for display 0 with 1024 x 768 @ 59.940063 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 1024 for display 0 with 1280 x 1024 @ 60.000000 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 1024 for display 0 with 1280 x 1024 @ 59.940063 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 720 x 480 for display 0 with 720 x 480 @ 60.000000 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 720 x 480 for display 0 with 720 x 480 @ 59.940063 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 720 for display 0 with 1280 x 720 @ 60.000000 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 720 for display 0 with 1280 x 720 @ 59.940063 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 60.000000 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 59.940063 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 720 x 576 for display 0 with 720 x 576 @ 50.000000 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 1280 x 720 for display 0 with 1280 x 720 @ 50.000000 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 50.000000 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 24.000000 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found resolution 1920 x 1080 for display 0 with 1920 x 1080 @ 23.976025 Hz
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Found ([email protected]) at 28, setting to RES_DESKTOP at 16
10:23:37.854 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Checking resolution 16
10:23:38.187 T:1962557440 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Broadcom
10:23:38.187 T:1962557440 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = VideoCore IV HW
10:23:38.187 T:1962557440 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES 2.0
10:23:38.187 T:1962557440 NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.00
10:23:38.187 T:1962557440 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_EXT_debug_marker
10:23:39.216 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version Addons27
10:23:39.223 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes6
10:23:39.240 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version Textures13
10:23:39.330 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version MyMusic60
10:23:39.354 T:1832907680 NOTICE: Register - new cec device registered on cec->RPI: CEC Adapter (2708:1001)
10:23:39.414 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos107
10:23:39.419 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version TV29
10:23:39.423 T:1874850720 NOTICE: Running database version Epg11
10:23:39.428 T:1962557440 NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection
10:23:40.148 T:1962557440 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList"
10:23:40.648 T:1962557440 NOTICE: initialize done
10:23:40.648 T:1962557440 NOTICE: Running the application...
10:23:40.679 T:1962557440 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing
10:23:40.679 T:1962557440 NOTICE: CWebServer[8080]: Started
10:23:40.679 T:1962557440 NOTICE: starting upnp client
10:23:40.687 T:1658712992 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on port 9777
10:23:40.687 T:1658712992 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777 (ipv6 : true)
10:23:42.215 T:1742730144 WARNING: CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings
10:23:42.357 T:1734341536 NOTICE: [plugin.video.youtube] Startup: detected Krypton (Kodi-17.3), setting DASH_SUPPORT_BUILTIN = False, DASH_SUPPORT_ADDON = True
10:24:00.813 T:1751118752 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
10:24:05.278 T:1874850720 ERROR: Previous line repeats 6 times.
10:24:05.278 T:1874850720 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
10:24:05.279 T:1874850720 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:00
10:24:07.930 T:1874850720 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
10:24:07.931 T:1874850720 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:00
10:24:09.609 T:1759507360 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
10:24:09.610 T:1759507360 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:00
10:24:17.030 T:1759507360 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
10:24:17.031 T:1759507360 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:00
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I use a synology nas with phpMyAdmin and MariaDB to create a database for my music and videos.
LibreELEC (8.0.2) is installed on a raspberry pi 3. The “wait for network delay” is set to 10 seconds.
After updating to MariaDB 10 the sync didn’t work any longer.
The only thing i’ve additionally changed was the port to 3307.
Here is my advancedsettings.xml:
<host>IP from nas</host>
<host>IP from nas</host>
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I've tried this advancedsettings.xml on an windows pc with Kodi and it works without problems.