Hey, I don't know. What do you mean when I say firmware? I have same ota packages if that helps?
never mind, i 've a old x8-x8h firmware
next build there will be a extra dtb
Hey, I don't know. What do you mean when I say firmware? I have same ota packages if that helps?
never mind, i 've a old x8-x8h firmware
next build there will be a extra dtb
Hey guys, I just tried to do the installation but it doesn't boot to libreelec. If I hold the recovery button than the android minix logo flashes, when I stop holding it just stays on the android minix logo. Any ideas?
edit: I should mention that I am using minix-x8 (not h or s or plus). I don't know anything about this stuff but it looks like I only have a dtb for the x8-h version in the SD?
my bad, wrong assumption
do you have a link to a firmware?
I take that back, it does work fine with either "adjust refresh rate" on or with the software decoder in either mode.
My bad, I had not whitelisted 24Hz in the settings, so it was not really switching anything
so it's working with amlogic hardware accel?
Is there any new threads about your LAKKA build (outside from minixforum)?
no, it's a long time i haven't build a Lakka.
I tried with and without "adjust refresh rate", but for me it does not seem to have any effect.
does your tv support 24hz film ?
Display MoreHi again
First of all - I appreciate dev team great work very much !!
I have question about audio passthrough decoding.
When playing DTS / AC3 video and pressing "o" key there is codecs summary
In my case (Minix X8H) it says that audio channels have 8-bit depth while in Kodi running on Android it says 32 or 24 bits
Is there any solution for this ? Am I doing something wrong ?
you're not doing something wrong.
got the same even with a minix-U1 (kernel 3.14)
LibreELEC:~ # cat /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/aud_cap
CodingType MaxChannels SamplingFreq SampleSize
PCM, 8 ch, 32/44.1/48/88.2/96/176.4/192 kHz, 16/20/24 bit
DTS, 6 ch, 44.1/48/88.2/96 kHz, bit
AC-3, 6 ch, 32/44.1/48 kHz, bit
DTS-HD, 8 ch, 44.1/48/88.2/96/176.4/192 kHz, 16/20 bit
Dobly_Digital+, 8 ch, 44.1/48 kHz, 16/20 bit
MAT, 8 ch, 44.1/48/88.2/96/176.4/192 kHz, 16/20 bit
DTS-HD, 8 ch, 44.1/48/88.2/96/176.4/192 kHz, 16 bit
it's Kodi beta thing.
i guess with android you're running kodi 17.6
I installed this image on my Minix X8H+ and it works correctly, but when I put a movie and go forward or backward, it freezes.
got the same with a old plasma not supporting "adjust refresh rate".
with a more recent TV supporting "adjust refresh rate", it works perfectly.
I was able to use installtointernal and everything worked great for a few days... then I inserted LAKKA's (your build) and it didn't boot (something about corruption). I tried again by using the toothpick and still I got the same message.
the "Lakka" boot script has overwrite the one's of the LE 8.9.xx build.
Repatch via toothpick using the LE 8.9.xx
Is it possible to have a LAKKA image that I could use to dual boot my MINIX?
i will check
edit: btw it's now integrated in Kodi
during the dev , kszaq has switch to meson-ir.
i've reverse his latest changes about ir remote and test it but it doesn't help.
#2 updated : info about ir remote
try this one : http://www.mediafire.com/file/f1jj8nc2jcwp6c5/libreelec-s905.arm-9.0-devel-20180915203809-2772474.img.gz/file
am_remote support is activated
It seems that the IR isn't even loaded, could that be?
need to check as i don't use the ir remote with my U1
edit : yep not enabled
# Amlogic IR remote support (yes / no)
need to be tested.
there's certainly a reason why it wasn't activated
I am a little confused as what build to use for my Beelink 905 box. What is happening, is Libreelec dead on this box?
[HOWTO + FAQ] Install community builds on S905/S905D/S905W/S905X/S912 device
#1 updated
new sound patch (all credits to CvH )
don't hesitate to ask if you need help/guidance
i would switch to libreelec master, apply mods only in your project directory : this way is it really easy to follow the master branch via pull request.
There's something wrong with the labeling of your SD/USB
"libreelec_disk" was a label used with libreelec 8.2
libreelec now use :
even balbes150 uses this setting in his script :
you may try this and it may be possible to boot from SD :
in this compiled s805_autoscript, "STORAGE" has been replaced by "LIBREELEC_DISK"
let me know
boot from internal fixed (new bootloader patch)
will update the images + the needed instructions soon
I want to remind the questions (my box is Minix X8H+):
1. When it stay in sort of "standby", background services (f.e. transmission) will be working?
2. Can we put box in "standby" by press only one button on remote (and/or boxes hardware button)?
3. Is there any way for put box in "standby" without TV-off?
4. Is there any way for wake up the box without turn on TV?
1. i don't think so as the box seems to reboot
2. LE can't suspend or hibernate?
3. https://kodi.wiki/view/cec#settings_in_kodi_for_cec
4. https://kodi.wiki/view/cec#settings_in_kodi_for_cec