Posts by Forage

    Have anyone an idea how I can set the energysave (I dont know thats right im german -Energiesparen-) settings in Settings->Energysave and activate the suspend mode? I cant set this because its grey.

    [] LibreELEC 8.2 for S912

    But it is considered unreliable, with different results on different devices. Some not properly waking up anymore. Hence it being disabled by default. If you break your system you get to keep both halves.

    With two external harddrives I sure hope they have their own power supply, or a powered hub between them and your box. You're asking for trouble if not.

    I'm using kszaq 's LE repo GitHub - kszaq/ 'Just enough OS' for Kodi, build LE for Khadas VIM2 with Amlogic S912. But found that I can't suspend or hibernate the system, when I press POWER key the system just ShutDown, and I found that I can't change Shutdown function in System settings->Power saving->Shutdown function.

    So how can I suspend or hibernate the system?


    Try enabling sleep mode to see if it works for your box. It doesn't work (properly) for all boxes, hence it isn't enabled by default. If it works for you you will basically have a fake suspend as in android, as power off from Android is not really a power off either. I have never tried it myself so I can't tell you when the wake-up will fire off exactly.

    read carefully

    I talked about installing img.gz

    and you are talking about tar

    I repeat once

    LibreELEC-S912.arm-8.90.8-K.img.gz can not be installed

    There's nothing to read carefully about your post. You are giving us zero information about your situation nor what the problem is and, even though you don't bother to actually type a question, I assume you expect us to help you any way. While afl1, kszaq and others are performing magic for us, not they, nor the rest of us are clairvoyant. If you expect us to be helpful you'd need to provide the context (device, medium) and state what is not working at which moment, this together with a shiny log if possible and relevant.

    So, my question was/is really around the future (if any) of You said that Amlogic is never going to release the needed user-space binary drivers. So what are really the viable options for the future? A complete open-source stack, ala Nouveau?

    A full featured open source alternative would be ideal, but in reality this is never going to happen. Just looking at the state of the open source attempts for way older mali chips should tell you enough.

    Please continue this repeating off-topic discussion in a separate thread. Search the forum for post by chewitt and kszaq for earlier dead-end replies.

    I did more searched and found GearBEST had MECOOL BB2 TV Box Amlogic S912 Octa Core with 2/16 GB RAM/eMMC storage for sale under $30 from its EU-23 warehouse over last black friday sale (yesterday) and now it is out of stock, unfortunately. Although I saw some comments on this forum most of MECOOL Amlogic S912 octa-core system suffers from eMMC defects. But, for under $30, I sure don't mind to grab one (if still available) if it can run LE on an external USB memory stick.

    please discuss a subject like this in a more appropriate thread like Choosing a S905 / S905X / S905D / S905W / S912 box guide

    A separate thread for this subject would be more appropriate.


    Is there any chance you can help me im very new to this LibreELEC and have no clue as to what im to do i have the same box as you and would like to dual boot it ive downloaded the files i think i need but have just read your comments about remote not working is there any chance you could help me out and point me to what i need and explain it to me, Id like to think im not thick and have been using Android for years and setting up XBMC since the original Xbox days so i would hope id pick it up quickly. Any help would be appreciated.


    How about just reading and performing the instructions already provided in the first post? [HOWTO + FAQ] Install community builds on S905/S905X/S912 device

    Unfortunately we can not hold your hand while you are at it.

    If that is not enough and you actually have a specific question you can ask it here and we can try to help, provided you actually give us the information needed (knowing the type of box you have would be handy).

    Yes, I also begin to think that there is no concrete solution for the remote in LE.

    But OK booting to Android before power off is only 20 seconds extra, so I can live with it.

    If somebody is having a fix anyway please let me know;)

    Try enabling sleep mode to see if it works for your box. It doesn't work (properly) for all boxes, hence it isn't enabled by default. If it works for you you will basically have the same, as power off from Android is not really a power off either. I have never tried it myself so I can't tell you when the wake-up will fire off exactly. You should be a happy camper if using the remote is one of the ways.

    Is not this a specific build fot KIII Pro?

    Or will this also work with H96 Pro+

    You should really start reading more carefully what people write. It safes others from wasting time on restating things and it reduces problems you might encounter. The post I referred to gives you a clear answer.

    Do I have to toothpick it again the first time?

    And what will happen if I insert my first SD card back again, no bootproblems?

    As far as I know it should just boot to the different SD cards without the need to do anything extra as long as you stick to one SD card/USB stick at a time. You can always perform the toothpick method again if anything does go wrong. Just don't install to internal.