Posts by Smeulf
Hi everyone.
I hope this bug report won't be a duplicate, but I couldn't find any thread like this here.
The isue has come with LE 9.0.2: when resuming a Netflix video, we can just see a black screen, and have sound. This issue is not present on LE 9.0.1, it works prefectly fine on it.
It sounds very Rapsberry Pi related, as I couldn't reproduce the issue with LibreELEC for x86 under a Virtual Machine. Kodi 18.2 on Windows 10 doesn't have this issue.
It's not related to the upgrade process from what I could see: I had the same problem with a very fresh install of LE 9.0.2.
LE 9.2.0 Alpha1 does have the issue too.
The Netflix addon is the one from CastagnaIT.
What else could I say ? I'm not the only one with that issue... (see Black screen when resuming playback · Issue #137 · CastagnaIT/ · GitHub)
Logs (with ffmpeg, audio, video, and audio/video timing enabled), tested on the same hardware, same video, just a version upgrade between the two logs:
I feel it can be related to some patches for Kodi on RPi but I may be very wrong...
Hope you can help! Thanks!
Hi all!
Would it be possible to add an option in the Bluetooth-Audio add-on to disable passthrough when a Bluetooth device is connected ?
Why? Well in my case, I have a hdmi-arc sound bar that supports AC3 decoding, so I enabled audio passthrough to have a good sound.
But if I connect my Bluetooth headset while watching a movie with AC3 audio, then it just can't decode the AC3 and I have no sound. I have to manually disable audio passthrough, and not to forget to enabled it again after watching the video.
So that would be awesome if the service could do it for me
Also, IMHO, it should be optional, as maybe some people use a Bluetooth device that can decode AC3 (or any other codec), like some Bluetooth soundbar...
Many thanks!
Thanks vpeter ! It's working.
Do you think it could be integrated into the MariaDB addon, or available as a specific addon ?
That could be usefull IMO.
Hi everyone !
Yesterday, I saved LibreElec (7.95.005) using the LE configuration plugin, to install again LE on my sd card ( /flash was still 256Mb and I wanted it to be 512Mb, old setup, nevermind)
When I restored the backup, I noticed my picons directory was empty, meaning I lost all my TV channels icons. I just have now to recreate them again. A it frustrating for me, but I should have take more time before formating my sd card
I'm not sure it's a "bug", but I wonder why the picons directory is not under /storage/.kodi/userdata rather than directly in /storage, or why it's not saved, because IMO, it's pretty much config than pure data (as video, pictures or tvshow if you see what I mean), don't you think ?
For now, in order to save my icons, I'll change TvHeadEnd setup to place all my icons under /storage/.kodi/userdata/picons, but if this post can make you change the paths or save the picons directory, maybe it can save time for other people
All the best.
Hello chewitt,
Obviously, fixed dates are really hard to determine, even impossible ^^, and as for every project, targets can't sometimes be reached.
Anyway, your answer is very clear, that was the kind of info I was looking for
Thanks a lot!
Hello everyone,
In the About page, we can read :
LibreELEC intends to publish a mid-term release schedule. Our goal is to never leave you (or ourselves) guessing when the next maintenance or public beta release will arrive. Kodi will occasionally provide us with a moving target to hit, but when this happens we will endeavour to communicate, not frustrate.But I definitely can't find the schedule...
Is it hidden somewhere ?
To be honest, I'm waiting for Kodi 17 Alpha 2 in LE, because of a video library bug (watched status are reset while updating movies info) in the Kodi version implemented in LE 8 Alpha 2. I know I shouldn't be using an Alpha as a day to day system, but what's the best for testing ?
Anyway, you guys are doing an amazing job !
All the best.
I'll confess it's probably not very high up the listObviously
Btw, do you have any public todo list ? It could be nice if we could see what is planned or not don't you think ?
And thanks for the quick answer.
Hello Everyone,
This is a minnor issue, more cosmetic than anything to be honest, but I prefer to report it : The LibreELEC addon does'nt apply the theme/color used in Estuary skin, it keeps the buttons blue, rather than using the setted colors.
I'm sure you know to change the color for the skin, so I won't add any step to reproduce
I have the problem with both of my systems (R.PI 1 or R.PI 2), so it seems not related to the hardware. But all of them were previously OpenELEC 6.03, so it might be something related.
Should you need any logs if you can't reproduce the issue, please feel free to ask, but I feel you won't neet them
All the best.