Posts by Iridium

    1) The 30 vs 100 signal strength I've noticed before and I think it depends on different images. On some it shows percentage whilst on others it shows DBs - so in reality they are both the same.

    2) The forgetting settings is probably a MAC issue - check journalctl for references to 00:00:00:00. If so, then it's a cheap adapter without a configured MAC address. See Thread

    I've just tried this on a RPi2, so it works.

    The easiest way is:

    Using the LE SD/USB creator:

    1) Create LE on a SD card

    2) Create LE on a USB stick

    3) On the SD card edit cmdline.txt so that it looks like:

    boot=/dev/sda1 disk=/dev/sda2 quiet

    4) Put the SD card and the USB drive in the Rpi and boot.

    Once all is running you can delete the second partition on the SD card as this is no longer required, or you can just use the space for backups or whatever.

    NB: The RPi needs the SD card, no matter what.

    Are you saying that before "I upgraded a pi3 to the most recent version" that everything worked fine? If so then there might be an issue - if not then:

    As @lrusak mentioned, the RPI3 wifi is not the best in the world, it has a very SMALL antenna and thus location is critical.

    I bought a cheap £8 wifi (2.4/5Ghz) dongle from amazon and it worked out of the box and I've not had any issues

    From the log:

    11:27:33.472 T:1763701664   ERROR: SQL: [Textures13.db] Insertion failed because database is full

    /storage is 100% full so that is the issue.

    LE always resizes the SD card on first boot but for some reason this did not happen. Did you see anything about resizing your SD card on first boot?

    You could always try again (Remember to use the "safely remove" function in windows when the SD card has finished writing) or resize the card manually but that will involve booting your PC with a linux live CD (so maybe not the simplest thing to do)

    Otherwise you could force a resize See Here

    On startup in journalctl I see:

    Nov 11 10:17:42 LibreELEC dockerd[420]: dnsmasq: failed to load names from /etc/pihole/black.list: No such file or directory

    Nov 11 10:17:42 LibreELEC dockerd[420]: dnsmasq: bad address at /etc/pihole/local.list line 2

    Nov 11 10:17:42 LibreELEC dockerd[420]: dnsmasq: bad address at /etc/pihole/local.list line 4

    Nov 11 10:17:42 LibreELEC dockerd[420]: dnsmasq: read /etc/pihole/local.list - 2 addresses

    Nov 11 10:17:42 LibreELEC dockerd[420]: dnsmasq: bad address at /etc/pihole/gravity.list line 2

    Nov 11 10:17:42 LibreELEC dockerd[420]: dnsmasq: bad address at /etc/pihole/gravity.list line 4

    ..... to 57342

    I guess /etc/pihole & /etc/dnsmasq.d are hardcoded.

    Tried that - didn't seem to make a difference:

    Start up script is:



    IP_LOOKUP="$(ip route get | awk '{ print $NF; exit }')"

    IPv6_LOOKUP="$(ip -6 route get 2001:4860:4860::8888 | awk '{ print $10; exit }')"

    IP="${IP:-$IP_LOOKUP}" # use $IP, if set, otherwise IP_LOOKUP

    IPv6="${IPv6:-$IPv6_LOOKUP}" # use $IPv6, if set, otherwise IP_LOOKUP

    DOCKER_CONFIGS="$(pwd)" # Default of directory you run this from, update to where ever.

    echo "IP: ${IP} - IPv6: ${IPv6}"

    # Default ports + daemonized docker container

    docker run -d \

    --name pihole \

    -p 53:53/tcp -p 53:53/udp -p 80:80 \

    -v "${DOCKER_CONFIGS}/pihole/:/storage/pihole/" \

    -v "${DOCKER_CONFIGS}/dnsmasq.d/:/storage/dnsmasq.d/" \

    -e ServerIP="${IP:-$(ip route get | awk '{ print $NF; exit }')}" \

    -e ServerIPv6="${IPv6:-$(ip -6 route get 2001:4860:4860::8888 | awk '{ print $10; exit }')}" \

    --restart=always \


    docker logs pihole 2> /dev/null | grep 'password:'


    Unfortunately the docker container for pi-hole installs data to /etc/pihole and /etc/dnsmasq.d which of course doesn’t survive a reboot.

    It still works, but with limited functionality.

    Which is a shame as it would be an ideal addition for my Rpi. It's not an LE nor Docker issue.