Posts by fbc

    I just upgraded to 8.1.1 and had to copy the gxl_p212_1g.dtb to the unit to make it work. I usually use the SSH method of upgrading. Will I have to copy the gxl_p212_1g.dtb to the unit to make it work everytime I update? or was this just a one time event going from 8.0.2e to 8.1.1?? Because none of the SSH update instructions talk about needing the appropriate DTB or placing it in the .update folder or anything of the like. I just cd to the .update folder and wget the most recent img.gz and reboot. Everything usually takes care of itself.

    I tried to backup my profile on my a95x unit and restore it on my sons INTEL-NVIDIA LIbreElec v8.0.2 based media center and it just made the unit freeze in a blank screen with a mouse in the middle.

    I had to end up reloading the unit with libreelec and restoring the profile backup I made previous to attempting the migration of my profile.

    I have come to the conclusion that you will just have to reload everything and reinput all your API keys and Reauthenticate all your service all over again if you with to have everything the same on both units.

    Unless someone comes up with the right mix of the proper files and directories to backup and restore, so we don't backup any hardware settings also that might affect the other units; there might not be a way to properly do this.

    I have an S905 based A95x-B7N android box. I always see the device trees and see the guides that recommend placing the appropriate file on your stick, etc.etc.etc. But my device works just fine without it.

    Is there something to be gained? Will I get better performance out of my box? Am I using a 32-bit kernel when I should be using the DTB with the 64-bit kernel? Will more buttons on my remote work and be properly mapped?

    I understand if certain hardware would not work without, but all mine works fine. So would it make a difference for me?

    I used to have a problem with the time never being correct on my a95x box. So I added an NTP server and check the box that said "Wait for Network before starting kodi" with the maximum wait of 10 seconds.

    It seems that the maximum wait does NOT work. Right now "Wait for network.." means "no internet=no boot". How do I fix this so there is a time out? If there is no internet I at least want to be able to enjoy stored videos. I am on the 8.0.1j

    My date is always December/2014 when I boot up. Am I doing something wrong??

    The guide I used here: Install LibreELEC on S905X - TUTORIAL

    Says I do not need to overwrite the DTB.IMG file on the image:


    7. If your box has a S905X CPU jump to n. 8. If your box has S905: Remove the MicroSD / USB and plug it back in to the computer, go to the root of the MicroSD / USB and copy one of this file inside it, renaming it as dtb.img and removing the existing one. Of those files download the one that seems more close to your box. 1 GB of Ram or 2 GB.

    So I don't know what else I could have done wrong.

    Download the latest image of the 8.0 branch. Use either Win32DiskImager or Rufus to copy it to an SD drive. Download the device tree file: gxl_p212_1g.dtb.

    Rename it dtb.img and copy it over the file with the same name on your SD card.

    Unplug your device. Insert the SD card. Using a toothpick (I use a QTip cut in half) push it into the AV slot - you'll hear the reset button click down. While holding the button down, plug the device in.

    LibreElec will come up onscreen and you can remove and dispose of the toothpick/QTip.


    Andrew, I am on a MAC.

    You are going to have to take it a little slow with me, I am not familiar where everything is located on the website. Where do I find the latest 8.0 branch? I looked around in DOWNLOADS and did not find anything that had branches or a device tree file.

    Works great, except that it's cutting of that last two seasons of every TV SHOW. What gives?
    I'm on LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.0-8.0.1j.img.gz

    Solved: My date was set to 2014.

    The NTP service must not be running on startup. I had to manually SSH to the unit and run ntpd to get it to work.

    LE is intentionally an embedded/appliance-like OS. If you want apt-get and editable (also means breakable) everything there are several other good distro's to choose from.

    I don't know of any other. I was a previous user of Kodi-buntu before it was discontinued. I think I got this one working to where I want it. Plus a network configuration interface from within KODI is a requirement. Many do not offer that. So that narrows it down for me.

    As long as the hdparm command you're wanting to use works from the busybox bash shell (manually test first) that script should be fine. You'll find that Kodi is almost permanently doing something so sending /dev/sda to sleep (assuming it's the boot disk) probably doesn't achieve much.

    Thanks for the reply! I wasn't too sure I was going to get one. I love this project. I hope it continues to thrive.

    Why did this not turn into a conventional install-able and alterable Kodi distro? Why this embedded RO file system feel to whole thing?

    Hi, I installed the INTEL/NVIDIA version to the hard drive of my media center. Everything is great! I like it and it boots so much faster than my previous setup.

    However, I cannot create /etc/hdparm.conf to put my external drives to sleep when not being used. I live in hot weather, and they get awful hot. so having them spin for nothing will just wear them out faster.

    How do I create this file to control the spindown time of my drives?
    After googling for a few minutes I found some information that lead me to do this:nano /storage/.config/

    hdparm -S 5 /dev/sda;
    hdparm -S 5 /dev/sdb;
    hdparm -S 5 /dev/sdc;
    hdparm -S 5 /dev/sdd;
    ) &

    Could someone confirm that will work or is the proper way?
    I am using 8.0.1 by the way.