Posts by MikeKL

    New image ver 20190211

    Curiosity tested 20190211 on Vim2 Pro and have following observations/feedback. (Most if not all I appreciate will be known to balbes150/developers)

    Unable to install over previous existing "running" balbes150 libreelec build on an SD. (Placing tar into update folder then rebooting Vim2 does not appear to work?)

    Installing on same SD via PC as a new clean image, then booting Vim2 works absloutely Fine. (i.e. Run from SD card with no altered files, using Upgrade Mode Press and hold power - Short Press Reset - Count to 10 - release power)

    WiFi - currently not working for Vim2 (WiFi Drivers for 4.X kernel, not available?)

    Build works well with wired connection, moving around GUI installing a few addons then testing Live video streaming before graphics crash kicks in.

    Graphics display does not show horizontal glitches in Kodi GUI as with earlier builds. (ongoing improvements to PANFROST open source driver for Mali GPU?)

    Graphics crashes occur for me after reasonably short period of playback of live tv channel, always with almost vertical to 45 degree lines up from bottom left corner of 4K Monitor.

    Can provide kodi log, debug log but imagine not so useful at this early stage?

    Recently purchased Khadas Vim2 Pro 1st for its ability to run Android (Necessary for ensuring sane continous access to all existing UK TV Catchup Apps) and 2nd (really 1st) to explore latest develpment activities towards a fully enabled version of latest Libreelec for a S912 device to run off SD or eMMC.

    Hedged a bet on S912 becoming Libreelec supported device post offical release of Leia, from recent posts in this thread from chewitt.

    Reason for my logic, is whilst I love using Kodi/Libreelec daily, I dont currenly believe suppport for all UK TV Catchup Add-ons will gain traction in same way as apps are developed for Andriod or IOS devices. (Hoping I am wrong on this point, moving forward post Leia release)

    Can't wait to commence/support via user testing a nightly version of Libreelec on Khadas Vim 2 Pro ;)

    raspi0w & chewitt , For info this current situation in modprobe.d folder etc

    (not currently in situation/location where I can try again with cfg80211.conf copied to modprobe.d folder) is up atm, but as it seems to keep going offline, grabbed copies of previous files, here they are on



    Please Note: I am leaving location where I have been having problems to connect in a few hrs so will not have an opportunity to gather more information or try anything else to achieve a connection at currnet location. (So if I am only one with problem don't worry etc)

    Thought I was getting somewhere with ssh, connman and wifi.config file in /storage/.cache/connman but that may have been something to do with file having incorrect parameters or similar. (did not really know what I was doing, just challenging myself to learn a little more)

    Freebox-63910C.config file contents (Note Name = switched to SSID = <in hex>)

    Name = Freebox-63910C
    Description = Freebox-63910C Wifi service config file
    Type = wifi
    SSID = 46726565626f782d363339313043
    Passphrase = <correct passphrase was inserted here>

    *A in front of Freebox-63910C (connection I wanted to achieve) indicating connman aware of what to do, but with a connection failure result when trying to switch connection via ssh


    With further testing hopefully additional useful information. Essentially I ssh'd into rpi3 when rpi3 & PC both connected to hotspot provided by motog phone. Following is image of networks visible in kodi (along with confirmation of connected to motog hotspot)


    Then running connman commands in ssh and specifically "connmanctl scan wifi" which immediataly updated kodi's view of avaiable networks.


    Unfortunately any attempts to complete connection to Freebox-63910C (selecting and entering phass-phrase in kodi) failed and after long wait would drop back and automatically reconnect to kodi (updated view with only motog hotspot visible again?)

    kodi.log and dmesg, Where I can see within kodi.log, failed attempts to connect to Freebox-6391C

    (where I know I was entering wifi password correctly)

    ERROR: ## LibreELEC Addon ## connman::dbus_error_handler ## ERROR: (Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.)

    Yes creating a backup then trying with clean install is an idea.

    Additional Notes just for information.

    I moved rpi3 closer too Wifi Router but this made no improvement to visibity of specific routers 2.4ghz WiFi signal to rpi3.

    Other possible weak Wifi connections in area appeared/dissappeared; but never closest router of interest/need so that why I believed its broadcasting on channel 13 to be main issue. (Checked with wifi anlysyzer app on motog phone)

    I could connect rpi3 to my motog phone acting as wireless mobile hot spot (thats how I connected from another device to get dmesg log) and have/had no problems connecting to router wirelessly at home. (Actually this is when I updated rpi3 manually to 8.2.2 before travelling to visit family etc)

    Away from home with rpi3 and Librelec 8.2.2 installed and unable to either see and connect to router with wifi channel set to 13

    (not my router so no access to change channel even for short period)

    I have temp connected to rpi3 in order to check and modify settings that thought would allow/enable channel 13 access on rpi3 but I still have blank "System - LibreELEC - Settings - Connections" window.

    Used following method posted by chewitt but unfortuantely does not seem to work in 8.2.2?

    WiFi Channel 13 not possible on RasPi 3, regional settings doesn't help

    Any ideas/help greatly appreciated.

    Slight update from use of latest preview.

    hmmmm Is latest preview version + Kodi behaving correctly with regard to a combination of overall timezone i.e. UTC + DST?

    (This is one of change areas mentioned for latest 2.x versions of webgrabplus)

    My Kodi/Libreelec Regional settings are to "Timezone Country = Britain (UK)" "Timezone Europe/London" and time is definitely correct in Kodi GUI, however when I use TV Guide Fullscreen with a guide.xml created with latest webgrabplus preview version all EPG timings are behind by one hour.

    (Currently still on British Summer time in UK which if i understand correctly is UTC + DST)

    For reference I am using latest UK's for webgrabplus to create my guide.xml

    Another rpi device is currently working with timezone fully correctly (without any manual/modification intervention) using previous full release version of webgrabplus with possibly/probably an earlier version of (I am slowly checking through everything on both devices for fuller understanding of differences that could cause my issue)


    Both rpi's running libreelec indicate date information with an understanding of BST i.e.

    LibreELEC:~ # date

    Mon Sep 25 18:18:43 BST 2017

    Wegrabplus log header information for rpi2 running current release version of wegbrabplus

    Wegrabplus log header information for rpi3 running latest preview version of wegbrabplus

    Here is a preview of a new revision of the webgrabplus addon.
    Thank you for testing and providing feedback.

    Tested with following observations :-

    • Backup folder with contents within, does not appear to have been created in /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus.backup. upon installation of latest preview version.
    • Copying WegGrab++.config.xml from my own previously saved settings into /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus and then running program manually appears to work just fine with no perceived issues :)
    • When service.webgrabplus user configuration settings are modified, they are retained correctly when next viewing configuration settings for any modification. (I removed the run after boot 300 value and changed run time from 3 to 4 a.m.) ;) :)  lYHtKTi.png

    Thanks for the update :) :)

    Yes you were right I had downgraded from a Milhouse nightly at some point in past, re-installing Mono from libreELEC addons repository resolved issue of installing latest version of service.webgrabplus. Thanks, will now test new version...see whats changed and what if any user files needs re-creating etc.


    Couple of minor issues for review/clarification during any improvements/upgrading etc.

    Removing preset value in Add-on settings via Kodi GUI for run after 1st boot or a re-boot works as expected but removed default value re-appears in the Add-on settings when viewed from kodi GUI after removal; even though its definitely removed from settings.xml

    Using an works as expect for copying guide.xml to another location, but runs significant time after completion of webgrabplus EPG updates i.e. Run job at 04:00 and performed at 07:00 (Is this as intended?)

    Really great kodi add-on, run daily by me without issue since its release 8)8)


    To add example of the bash scipt, that I included in .kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus

    # copy guide.xml to visible kodi downloads folder with a rename to tvguide.xml
    cp /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.webgrabplus/guide.xml /storage/downloads/tvguide.xml