Here's a little report for the Scishion V88 Pro 1G/8G Amlogic S905x player:
After I got it to boot from the SD card and used the right remote.conf (attached, thanks Pelican), it works really well! 
I watched a movie via LAN and it was super smooth.
Here are some observations:
- The power LED is always red. With Android it is blue when the device is turned on and red when it's on standby. Can this be changed for LibreElec?
- I changed the remote control power button to "standby" in the settings, however the V88 Pro can't be woken up again after entering standby using the remote (works with Android).
- CPU temperature as displayed in Kodi is quite high, around 80°C in Kodi (without doing anything). Is there a way to improve it (in software)? Doesn't get much higher than that even when playing a movie, however.
- There is plenty of free memory even with a 1GB device (8xxMB memory total and only 160MB in use while in Kodi)