No. Its not possble to get help or a step by step howto for s82 devices. One week and simple questions open. Easier to buy a new box. Sad but true.
Posts by anavrin
Box has 2 USB Ports. Same result: Error.
The box use to show the start picture of the Finless Bob Rom for nearly 15 seconds while reading the usb stick. After that libreelec picture is shown with error.
Used your image LibreELEC-S812.MXIII_Plus.arm-8.0.2.img (22.3.).Do i have to copy any files to the internal memory?
LibreELEC-S812.MXIII_Plus.arm-8.0.2.img (22.3.)
I only put it on the USB stick with Rufus.
aml_autoscript zip
SYSTEM.md5I did not copy a file to the device memory.
Error in prepare_sysroot. mount_common. Could not mount /dev/SYSTEM
Starting debugging shell... type exit to quit
Cant access tty; job control turned offI tried Drieschels image, too:
SD Card:
system.md5cp: can´t stat ´/flash/system´: No such file or directory
***Error in prepare_sysroot: mount_common: Could not mount /dev/System ***
### Starting debugging shell... type exit to quit ###
sh: can´t access tty: job control turned off
#_And the image of Demetris:
LibreELEC-S802.S82.arm-7.0.3.imgSD card:
kernel (img)
cp: cant stat ´/flash/SYSTEM´: No such file or directory
Error in prepare_sysroot: mount_dommon: Could not mount /dev/SYSTEM
### Starting debugging shell... type exit to quit ###
sh: can´t access tty: job control turned off
How can i check that multiboot is enabled? When i insert SD card or USB stick device boots to libreelec error message.
How can i activate multiboot in the image and the box?
Which device tree do i have to choose for MBOX S83B S802 2/8 GB?
Thanks a lot. -
I started to try to get liberelec on my S82 more than one week ago. I found detailed how-tos for other devices. I recognice this is not a help forum cause my stupid noob questions are still open.
DEVICE TREE? From 905? From 911 Turbo? Maybe my grandmother knows the truth.
I have experience with rooting and roms on several smartphones. Customizing recievers, 360 etc... I still believe in myself. I have bit more intelligence than a monkey. But this one is to frustrating. DEVICE TREE? Can i have a look in the woods? How long should it be? -
Bought an usb stick and used several sd cards but i still stuck with errors (prepare_sysroot, could not mount /dev/SYSTEM)
Used LibreELEC-S802.arm-8.0.1-S82.imgDo i have to install version 7 first or can i start with 8? Downloading 7 needs a password.
Which device tree do i have to choose for Mbox S83B V2.2 S802B/A P6330/ 2/16GB Mali 450?
Do i have to copy anthing else to the internal memory of the box if i like to boot from SD?Thanks a lot.
Will this delete android (nand flash)?:
"Indeed only the kernel and system files should be copied to the update folder of libreelec."I try to get Libreelec on my box:
Mbox S83B V2.2 S802B/A P6330/ 2/16GB Mali 450.Can´t find a working image or files are missing. Tried all of Drieschel and Demetris. All showing "Filesystem corruption detected" or "Read-only filesystem".
I never used a device tree file or remote conf file.Tried 4 SD cards and a SD card reader on both USB. Without success.
Should i or is my box exotic cause of the S83B?Thank you.
Thank you for the help, RunRunBangBang.
login | | Download GApps, PA GApps, Roms, Kernels, Themes, Firmware and more. Free file hosting for all Android developers
password needed.Used SD Card: 2 GB Kingston
SD Formatter 4.0
Format Type: Full Erase
Format Size Adjustment: off
File System: FATRufus 2.12.1054
from downloads for Amlogic MXQ TV Box by Demetris. | | Download GApps, PA GApps, Roms, Kernels, Themes, Firmware and more. Free file hosting for all Android developers
MBR partition for BIOS or UEFI
Create Bootable Drive: DDFiles on SD (536 MB) now:
kernel (img)
SYSTEM.md5Save release SD Card from PC
Insert to box
Get error messageSee attached file.
Drieschel wrote: "It probably depends on the bootloader from your android if you can boot from sd or not."
I got the logo of Finless Rom first, then the logo of Libreelec and that error message. So it seems the box is booting from SD.
Is a device tree file needed?
And remote.conf for Logitech K400? -
Is this a special club?
My question for the right version must be a piece of cake for the creator of the images. -
can you please link me the right image for my device?
My box is Mbox S83B V2.2 S802B/A P6330/ 2/16GB Mali 450.So far i tried this one: LibreELEC-S802.arm-8.0.1a-S82.img.gz
122.2MB Mar 12, 2017 | 09:00PMGot an error while booting from SD. Something like "filesystem corrupted".
I tried a 2 GB Kiingston micro SD and a 32 GB Sandisc micro SD.Used Rufus 2.12 and Libreelec USB-SD Creator with same result.
Did i take the wrong image? Do i have to use LibreELEC-S802.arm-8.0.1a-S82.tar and LibreELEC-S802.arm-8.0.1a-S82.img.gz?Thanks a lot.
Edit: Tried all of these images: "Filesystem corruption detected" and "Read-only filesystem".
Used to format SD Card before writing image.
What about those device trees? I cant find a how-to for my device. Seems, that a how-to for S905 etc. is not the same workaround. -
i installed:
die LibreELEC-S802.S82.arm-8.0.0-2-alpha-devel.img.gz
Took it to Rufus and pressed Start.
Before this i formated the SD.SD content:
system.md5What about remote.conf and device tree?
Boot from SD is working but it stucks and shows:
cp: can´t stat ´/flash/system´: No such file or directory
***Error in prepare_sysroot: mount_common: Could not mount /dev/System ***
### Starting debugging shell... type exit to quit ###
sh: can´t access tty: job control turned off
#_Wheres the mistake?
My box is Mbox S83B S802 Amlogic 2/16GB Mali 450.
I tried 2 SD Cards. Kingston 2 GB and SanDisc 32 GB.Thanks a lot.