Be sure you NFS export like the following.
/videos *(ro,insecure)
/MOVIES *(ro,insecure)
Be sure you NFS export like the following.
/videos *(ro,insecure)
/MOVIES *(ro,insecure)
There's the answer I was looking for. Thanks, I'll copy the remote.conf file there & reboot, see if it works.
That did it, remote.conf was not in /storage/.config. Looks like the installtointernal script needs to be updated.
Thanks to everyone for your help, especially kszaq for maintaining this build.
/storage/.config/ is the configfiles dir (mounted with SMB as configfiles).
There's the answer I was looking for. Thanks, I'll copy the remote.conf file there & reboot, see if it works.
SSH Into box and you will see all Directories. Apparently Remote works using my instructions. #2,609
Hope you got it sorted.
Like I said before, there's no directory ('folder' for windows people) in the entire file system named configfiles. I'll just wait for the next release, maybe it'll be fixed then. Thanks for your help.
This looks like a bug during installtointernal
Pull SD Card that has LE Installed and copy the remote.conf file using your PC
Then boot the internal LE and paste the file into configfiles folder.
See what that does.
I don't see a dir called configfiles, whats the fully qualified path to where I should put the remote.conf file?
LibreELEC:/ # find / | grep -i configfiles
LibreELEC:/ #
If I had to guess I'd put it here.
905x box with 8.0.1h booted from microsd card the remote works, install it to nand & reboot the remote doesn't work. Tried it 2 times. Strange.
I have a 905x with 2/16 setup. I have 801e installed to NAND and LE reports 2 Gigs RAM. When do I need to use the .dtb file? I'm about to upgrade to 801h by copying the 801h.img.gz file to the /storage/.update directory & do a reboot, should I also copy gxl_p212_2g_nand.dtb to the same dir?