( SOLVED ) Unable to use Windows (SMB) to play files from my XP PC

  • I'm running kszaq's latest custom image for Amlogic S805 and since the implementation of v.8.1.0 BETA I'm unable to access video files which I've created into shared folders on my XP WEPOS PC ( I know I should upgrade and it's an old legacy device really but I prefer xp :) and i'm still getting monthly security updates).

    I've read the release notes of the beta and as a result I've changed the smb protocol to V1.0 in the kodi gui and checked my .storage/config files to see if there's a custom samba file in place but still can't access anything. I've tried entering the full path of the share but I don't know if I'm doing it incorrectly because no matter what I try I keep getting various error messages such as operation not permitted, illegal operation or network connection not available etc.

    Can any kind soul with a bit of patience do a noobish step by step walkthrough for me please or offer any help? I've been at it for a couple of days and I don't seem to be getting anywhere. It recognises my workgoup MSHOME but not my PC name or any further afield whereas previously it would recognise the path MSHOME/Name of Pc/ Name of shared folder.

    I've downgraded my Libreelec image a couple of times and everything works ok then so I know the problem lies with the new images/protocols. Any help or insight would be much appreciated.

  • Use ip adress and make sure the shared folder has a user and password assigned.

    Nice one! Thanks. Got there in the end. Using ip address instead of the computer name, which I hadn't been doing, was the trick. The actual shared folder did not need a user and password assigned to it but the xp user account which contains the shared folder needed a password assigned to it and mine didn't. For any other XP users ( if there is any :) ) having the same problem then here's the way. First make sure smb v1.0 is selected in the services menu ( advanced setting ) of the kodi gui, make sure the xp user account on the pc being used for sharing has a password assigned to it and then share a folder using the properties menu. Then in kodi add a network location using windows smb protocol entering ip address for server name, name of folder that's being shared along with the relevant xp account user name and password. Once this has been done for the first time then your credentials will have been saved and to add any other or future shared folders you only need to add them by using, for example in the "add video source" menu by typing in smb://ipaddress/nameoffolder. There's no need to enter the full path.