Ubuntu vs LibreElec for media center + cloud backup storage

  • Kodi Media Center with Some Server Functionalities 2

    1. Stick with LibreElec with Docker (2) 100%
    2. Use Ubuntu (0) 0%
    3. Use other Linux flavour (0) 0%
    4. Use NAS (0) 0%


    I currently have a dilemma that hopefully you might be able to help me decide.

    I've been using LibreElec for almost a year, and I love this linux flavour for my media center.

    To enhance my media center experience, I also install couple of docker containers, such as:

    - sabnzbd

    - sonarr

    - plex server

    The dilemma that I have is, I want to make this to be my central data storage for my files (including backup to cloud, such as backblaze / crashplan / google photos, etc) too; I know that some might say, just build another server/NAS; but I'd like to cut down the electricity usage and use only a single server box.

    If I want to do this (make it as a central data storage), I need to spend extra time to find out the perfect docker container (or build one from scratch) that will fit the purpose; for instance: here

    Furthermore, with LibreElec, is it secure enough to save private files? consider there are some limitations (from memory, the ssh password is defaulted to libreelec, although I managed to use public/private key right now, so it's no longer an issue)

    If I go with Ubuntu, I might lose the flexibility of just 'login' to kodi when I boot up the machine, which is one of the great feature I use for non-techie member of family (although I believe ubuntu can be configured that way...but still it requires some config again)

    What do you guys think?

    Edited once, last by televisi (August 28, 2017 at 11:55 PM).

  • LibreELEC is perfectly suitable for anything you'd like to do, but it really comes down to how much effort you are willing to put into it. There aren't any cloud services or crypto tools packaged as addons, so you'd either need to package what you need yourself or use Docker containers. Both alternatives require some work.