[SOLVED] Amcodec and Krypton

  • I got Krypton (forked LE master branch) running on my S802 device. It seems to run very good but only with software decoding. The Amcodec option is there but it seems to be ignored. Does someone have an idea what the problem could be? Is this a Krypton related problem?

    Edited once, last by drieschel (July 14, 2016 at 3:10 PM).

  • I got Krypton (forked LE master branch) running on my S802 device. It seems to run very good but only with software decoding. The Amcodec option is there but it seems to be ignored. Does someone have an idea what the problem could be? Is this a Krypton related problem?

    I remember the same from the 905, below is one of the early patches for the 905, Krypton changed the way it checked compatibility. Worth a look.

  • I remember the same from the 905, below is one of the early patches for the 905, Krypton changed the way it checked compatibility. Worth a look.

    Thank you for the approach! But this method in Krypton works.


    Edit: Problem seems to be that /dev/video10 not exists, only /dev/video13 is existent! Do I have to manage this by the kernel or do I need to patch the aml_permissions() functions in AMLUtils.cpp in Kodi or ...? Does someone have an idea?

    Edit2: I compared the aml_permissions() function with the one from Kodi 16.1 and decided to patch. Hope it will work now.^^

    Edited once, last by drieschel (July 12, 2016 at 9:17 PM).

  • Damn! I need help! Patching the aml_permissions() didn't work. I need the real /dev/video10 device which is probably the amlvideo device. Hopefully someone has an idea. Do I miss a kernel driver/module? dmesg output is attached. I assume that the problem has something to do with this part:

    PS: I also attached the kernel config.


    These two options are activated in the kernel (look at the attached kernel config two posts above) and needed for correct audio/video sync as far as I understand ([aml] Use amlvideo driver for audio/video sync by codesnake · Pull Request #9896 · xbmc/xbmc · GitHub).

    Problem is found and solved: The v4l drivers didn't seem to work correct in the kernel I am using.