Problem viewing JPEG images on Pi.

  • Hi, hope someone can help me. :)

    I have a problem on a Pi when viewing Jpegs, this is a Pi1 B+ V2.1, though it also does the same thing on a MikeBuzz Slice install and a Pi2/3 though it
    takes longer to die on these (more memory maybe), it doesn't make any difference if I have list or thumbnails set, skin is Confluence V6.90.005, fresh install, no added addons.

    If I go into a directory with a lot of jpeg files in it, say 500 and I try to view any picture there, Kodi immediately locks up.

    If I go into a smaller directory, say 270 images, I can view photos that are there, when I go back it sometimes locks, if not, then if I go back up to the main menu screen and then go back into pictures, Kodi again locks up.

    It looks to me like Kodi is using loads of memory to do these operations and eventually runs out.

    For example before entering the 500 photo directory there is 295Mb free, after entering the directory there is 162Mb free, then I view any photo and it locks up, can't even ssh in.

    The second example before entering the 270 photo directory there is 295Mb free, after entering the directory there is 223Mb free, after viewing a couple of images there is 150Mb free, go back to the directory 79Mb free, then say I go to the main menu screen and select PICTURES again, it locked up, again no ssh.

    Hope this is helpful. Regards, Kevin.

    Edited once, last by bleep (April 8, 2016 at 4:45 PM).