s905 - ps3 sixaxis bt controller not responding

  • i have succesfully paired my ps3 sixaxis controler to kszaq's s905 build, but unfortunately the controller just not working at all but i can see it is connected by LE, and the worst part the remote also suddenly stop working, after i turn off the ps3 controller by long pressing the home button the remote start to functioning again, i believe wrxtasy version has this capability as we can see on his 7.0.1 changelog realease
    "...Auto Paring for PS3 BT Game Controller added + other DualShock BT patches"
    is this patches already applied in kszaq build? or maybe some other information that i missed ? please share information

    fyi my box is MXQ Quick Play, i'm using external bt dongle as internal bt not detected by LE, the box uses chipset RTL8723 wifi is ok
    thak you i hope i post this in the right sub forum
    here the LOGS

    Edited once, last by 2ami (July 9, 2016 at 11:20 PM).

  • As far as I'm aware these builds use a 3.14 kernel which has issues with the ps3 controller wireless. It should work using a cable.

    so that mean what wrxtasy wrote was also fake? i never heard anyone using ps3 controller on his build before, fyi i'm also using libreelec 8.0 alpha, lwiddif at amlinuxmedia build it and it work with my Ps3 using special controller addons, hope someday there are some workaround to solve this,
    thanks for your information lrusak

  • Commits that Wrxtasy mentioned are a part of LE 7.0.1 and they are already included in my builds. I have no experience with PS3 controller but as lrusak said, the issue may be in 3.14 kernel. If you posted log, we would have more hints about your issue.

  • Commits that Wrxtasy mentioned are a part of LE 7.0.1 and they are already included in my builds. I have no experience with PS3 controller but as lrusak said, the issue may be in 3.14 kernel. If you posted log, we would have more hints about your issue.

    i did post the log, last sentence before the pic

    I only know from my experience with the Odroid C2 build which also uses a 3.14 kernel

    see, Re: partial success with PS3 sixaxis — Linux Bluetooth

    ok then if the odroid c2 build also have problem then no need to look into this minor thing, kszaq can concentrate to more principle things like stability,
    first time i thought since wrxrasy wrote that on his changelog that ps3 controller might work on his release, then why can we implemented here, kszaq's and wrxtasy's have the same kernel and version. i'm waiting kernel upgrade to 4.6 where s905 has been supported :)
    anyway thanks a lot to both of you kszaq and lrusak

    Edited once, last by 2ami (July 10, 2016 at 6:45 PM).

  • i did post the log, last sentence before the pic

    Sorry, I didn't notice that since you added it after publishing the post.

    i'm waiting kernel upgrade to 4.6 where s905 has been supported

    Unfortunately there is only very basic support in mainline kernel for S905 and for the time being we're stuck at 3.14.