CECToggleState not working on RPI

  • Hi, I´m using Libreelec 8.0.2 on my Respberry Pi 3 . Now I also want to turn on and off my TV while using CEC. I changed my keymap to run the "CECToggleState" command, whenever I press a defined key on my remote control.

    The TV is turning off, once I press this button. However, if I press the button again, I would expect that my TV is during on again. Unfortunately this is not working. if I run the commands CECStandby and CECActivateSource manually, the TV is turning off and on as it should be.

    The CEC in general is working but for some reason, the CECToggleState it not waking up the CEC attached devices.

    Has anyone already had the same issue and was able to fix this somehow?

    Thanks in advice,
