
  • I'm using Videos | Files | DVDs (which is my source) for navigating my collection. My wife and I like it this way - we've been collecting for 30+ years. The collection is arranged into A - Z folders with individual films or series inside then. eg New Tricks is under N and has series 1 - 9 folders inside it. I've generated my own nfo and jpg files.

    The one aspect I'd like to improve is to have the date last watched rather than the file size in the list of films. Is that possible and if so how?

    • Official Post

    I don't think this is possible. Library views track watched/unwatched status, but I don't think there is DB tracking of when something was watched, and because Videos views are not Library views there is no persistence of watched/unwatched status. It will show within the current GUI session but reboot and everything will show as unwatched again.

  • Thanks for the answer chewitt. I've decided to abuse the <tagline> tag for the purpose. Since Kodi keeps track of when films have been played in its database I can use the information there to set the tagline info in its database.

    I've written and checked the trivial bit of SQL needed to do this. I can run it from a PC linked to the Pi but it would be nice for Kodi on the Pi to run it itself. Anyone point me in a direction to add this into Kodi? A menu option would be great.