[SOLVED] Install LibreELEC to GPT drive

  • Hi,

    I have 8TB drive that I'd like to use with LibreElec; I have downloaded the generic "LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0.2.img.gz" and install it to external USB HDD using "LibreELEC.USB-SD.Creator.macOS".

    Unfortunately, the installation process stops at 28% at "creation of partition /dev/sdb1"... I suspect this is an indication that LibreELEC only works with MBR disk type?


  • False. Our default disk layout for the Generic image is two partitions in a GPT partition scheme. If you want to install to the disk manually boot the installer in live mode or use an Ubuntu LiveUSB to create a GPT disk, first partition is 512MB and second is remaining space. Make both ext4 and install syslinux to the first partition. Now copy the KERNEL, SYSTEM and extlinux.conf to the first partition. That's all the installer does.

  • Thanks for your reply!

    As I'm using Mac, I tried to google syslinux GPT creation and found no result; are you able to share the steps to install syslinux on the GPT disk?

    PS: I use Paragon Hard Disk Manager Mac to create the GPT disk and ext4 partitions, I just need to do the syslinux bit...

  • I have a feeling that the reason why the installation process stuck at 28% is because the librelec installation is potentially trying to format the big+7.5 TB drive (as 512GB used by the system, as per chewitt comments)

    Plus my computer hdd light is constantly running too.

  • My guess was right, I left the installation process to run overnight (leave the installation at 28% overnight) and the installation finished!

    I checked the installation log, as there is no timestamp, I have a feeling this has been caused by make2fs process; as it has created a bunch of hexa comments