WeTek Play randomly turns on TV via CEC

  • Hi,

    I'm experiencing a strange problem with my WeTek Play in the last couple of weeks. My WeTek Play randomly turns on my TV via CEC. I can't say when it started because it usually happens at night or when I'm at work. Yesterday I was the whole day at home and tried to trace the problem. And it happened again: The TV powered on without touching the remote. It happens not regularly. I've looked into the log file and every time when the problem has happened, the log file starts with 'Starting kodi', so I guess kodi crashes and on restart powers on my TV. But I can't find a crashlog in /storage/.kodi/temp/.

    What I've done to activate CEC: I've added echo 0x03 > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/cec_config to autostart.sh.

    I'm on 8.0.1, but the problem also happens on 8.0.2.

    Thanks for your help!