Video playback freezes when using fast forward or rewind

  • Hi,

    I am experiencing issues with the fast forward / rewind functionality when running Kodi on my ODROID C2 device. Typically, after a few seconds of fast forwarding, Kodi stops displaying updates to the screen and when you attempt to start playing the video again, it display the buffering symbol which remains at 100%.

    Find a link to my kodi.log file: Downloading from DiskStation

    I wasn't able to replicate the issue using the Windows version of Kodi 17.3.

    I did originally raise this issue directly with the Kodi team but they advised I should raise the issue here: "There are too many patches wich could potentially lead to issues. LE will contact us if there is anything that have to be done in kodi."



    Edited once, last by halloway76 (June 13, 2017 at 11:35 PM).