Accessing Wifi Channel 12 & 13

  • I live in The Netherlands and since most wifi signals use 6 by default our router is on channel 13.

    But the raspberry pi does not allow channel 12,13 assuming because it's set to USA standards.

    I've tried to access the raspberry pi 3 model b running libreelec via ssh without much success. The amount of commands I got handed were minimal and I weren't able to set the wifi country to NL or GB or whatever counter that does use 12,13 and update it.

    Are there any was to fix this problem is there anything I've done wrong ?

    (Changing my channel of wifi to a other channel other than 13 is an awful solution for me)

    (After connecting the pi to channel 6 and then my router back to channel 13. It stayed connected which is very odd since that means that it CAN connect to channel 13 but not show ?! )

    Edited once, last by WillemAcidic (May 7, 2017 at 4:03 PM).