
  • Good evening all, I'm not exactly sure this will be in the right section, if not please accept my apologies. i was hoping someone could help me as I'm well and truly blagged after 2 days of messing about.

    I have a M8c variant box that's about 3 years old which im running on Demetris libreelec 8. Reading through the thread it was advised to someone to try flash their stock bootloader, i figured I'd do the same and see if it helps with the wake from suspend and the led color, so here starts my fun!

    Now i must probably mention i suffer from ocd related issues and so i have to have my stuff a setup just right. Sooooo i flashed my box back to android ROM that was made for the box by finless Bob over at freaktab, everything goes nicely! however included in bobs rom is his custom image (the very first image you see) i believe this to be named logo.img. Now i cant have bobs android boot logo at startup when running libreelec, it's not right.

    To jump from android i flash openelec 6 By ipodtouchdudes image from freaktab, this includes a nice logo.img of a square amalogic quad core A9 s802 icon. Now normally about 50% of the times i flash it, it does NOT flash the logo.img but it does rarely, on the times it doesn't i have not logo at boot just a blank screen for about 15 seconds which i really don't like Sooooo i thought i know let's extract openelec replace the bootloader for the one from a bobs rom, sign it and flash it, I've flashed it about 40 times over that last 2 days back and forth android to openelec and the logo will not flash yet EVERY TIME bobs one does flash grrrrrr!

    So i thought let's extract bobs android ROM and replace the logo.img, sign it and flash..... Guess what now there is NO logo screen on first boot but if you reboot his logo is back!?!?! Wtf?!?!?!

    I then hit Google and after some research came across a thread (post 29 thread-200-page-2.html) where someone was told to use ssh and dd command. I followed the instructions and according to putty it was successful, reboot box and noooooo it wasn't, so thought maybe i need to mount flash first which i did the 2nd time, dd the logo.img again said was successful but after reboot not logo again.
    Please can someone help all i want is to keep the original android bootloader, logo.img(if that's the right thing) from openelec and run Demetris libreelec, why am i finding it so hard. I'm really blagged as to why doing it over ssh. Using the DD command says it was successful yet wasn't?

    Many thanks to all involved for taking time away for your loved ones to provide us with a seriously good firmware! It really is very much appreciated

    Many thanks and all the best


    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

    Edited once, last by Klojum (April 19, 2017 at 9:55 PM).